Copycat Mrs. T’s Homemade Pierogies

Copycat Mrs. T’s Homemade Pierogies

When my husband and I were married, I can say with certainty that he was wowed by my cooking skills. However, there was one meal that for 4 years I was honestly scared to make. Pierogies.

Copycat Mrs. T's Homemade Pierogies RecipeHailing from the East Coast, my husband moved to the Midwest carrying his love of this Polish inspired potato filled pocket with him, as well as stories of the complexity and exact science that goes into making them. However, you, the faithful OAMM readers, requested a freezer aisle makeover of this meal, and I decided it was finally time to rise to the challenge.

Setting aside an entire Saturday (yes these are a labor of love), I dove whole heartedly into the preparation. After hours of tedious work, the verdict was in. My very first attempt at my husbands all time favorite meal….was…… A SUCCESS!!!  I can say with all honesty that I have never been more nervous for a taste testing of any meal in my cooking history. I waited with anxiety as he took the first bites of these potato filled pockets, sautéed in butter until a golden brown. The look on his face said it all.

No more shall we have our special dinner come from the freezer aisle – I will be making these in bulk to keep in the freezer so even a Wednesday night can be worthy of such a delicious meal.

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