
Cupboard Organization for Cheap!

I teased about this post several weekends ago and then got side tracked. Sorry. Can I make it up to you now? If there is one thing that makes me giddy with excitement, it is organization. Just ask my husband about my mood the evening he came home after this project. I was over the moon the entire weekend. In fact, when I look at this finished project I still get giddy with excitement. When I am having a bad day? I just open up this cupboard and breath in its organization. I kid not. Some of you are thinking, “Are you kidding me, YOU? Unorganized? You pull off these crazy menus each month and get US organized.” But that is menus. When it comes to actual implementation of organization, I am usually paralyzed by the task. I am just uncertain where to start. And when other people are in my space? (Sans children, husband, etc) Forget about it. My super organization powers are useless.

My cupboard BEFORE.

Case in point: this cupboard. Have I ever mentioned to you that I have a SMALL kitchen. I mean, REALLY small. As in when friends know that I am Once A Month Mom and THEN see my kitchen they usually say something like, “How in the WORLD do you do once a month cooking in here?” I just do. I had the kitchen before I was Once A Month Mom. So we deal. So this cupboard is one of only three (yes, I said three) cupboards that are in my kitchen. The other two house dishes and pots/pans. Most everything else is in our basement. So that leaves this cupboard as the only spot for food or pantry items. And thus, it is a mess. I mean really, who has cupboards like this? It drives. me. crazy. That is until I saw this Pinterest Post:

(Let’s all have a good *sigh* and raise up a “Praise the Lord” for the sanity that Pinterest has brought to our lives.) And my friends, this is proof that Pinterest can be used to the good of man. I am now a believer and can mark something off my to-do list.

My cupboard AFTER!

We have an Ikea nearby so I planned a trip. I looked at this poor excuse for a pantry cupboard and took inventory of how many different size containers I thought I would need. I took some measurements, and headed to the store. When I got there I got the indicated number plus a couple extra “in case”. When I returned home I dumped out the contents of the cupboard onto the counters. I threw away old items and condensed others. I cleaned out the shelves and proceeded to repackage the cupboard. The actual cleaning/reogranizing only took me an hour or so and as you can see; amazing results. I could not be happier. I am STILL happy with this set up and weeks later have still managed to keep it organized. And for a total of about $71 my sanity was saved. I can now go into my kitchen and work a bit without having a coronary about what a disaster it is. And yes, I went back to Ikea the next week and purchased double the amount of containers I did the first time because I have every intention of doing the same thing to my basement stairwell pantry and the basement pantry. You’ll have to let me know if you want to see those results too. But go ahead, reorganize your “hated” cabinet. You know you want to. And you will feel so much better after you do! {This is NOT a sponsored post. Ikea did not ask me to write for them or provide me with free product. However, I would gladly accept it if they did. :)} Breakdown of Items Purchased:

I know some of you are thinking that $71 is NOT cheap! I am going to have to beg to differ though. If you research the price of these types of containers through Amazon or Wal-Mart you will find in most cases they run more expensive. You can occasionally find them at the dollar store, but it is rare. And this is CHEAP therapy because it makes me feel so good to open that cupboard every morning!