Have you thought about doing a meal swap with friends or neighbors? A reader has started one and wants to share with you how she organizes and plans for a local meal swap with friends.
Dinner's with instructions laid out for freezer meal swap.
- Initial contact email sent on April 1.
- Must respond by April 8th to participate.
- I respond following day with meal choices.
- Meal votes take place between April 9th and 16th.
- Swap will take place May 2nd.
Once everyone has emailed me, I divide everyone into groups based on family size. Usually we have 2 groups with 5-6 families in each group – one group has families with 2-3 people eating and the other is 4 or more eaters. I then email out the recipes for everyone to vote on, the most popular recipes from each person is what that person will make (for example, I might submit Chili, French Bread pizzas and Calzones. Calzones gets the most votes, so that is the meal I will make). Everyone usually has about a week to get their votes in. When it comes time for the swap, everyone meets at our house, lays the already cooked meals on the table next to the family names. Once everyone is there, everyone grabs their meals and heads home to enjoy! Terra lives in North Carolina with her husband, Zach, and two boys, Keaton (2) and Benjamin (8 months). She is a SAHM while Zach attends Seminary. She blogs at http://thejonesjourney.blogspot.com/.