
Homemade Vanilla Extract – Part 2

If you remember, a few months ago I set out to make my own vanilla extract. It not only saves LOTS of money, but it makes for very cheap and easy holiday gifts. This year I not only made our extract with vodka, but I experimented with other liquors such as whiskey, tequila, rum and bourbon. They came out amazing! They had just the right hint of additional flavor. So far I have made one batch of ice cream with the bourbon vanilla and one batch of cookies with the rum vanilla and the taste was ever so subtle.

Bottling Your Homemade Vanilla Extract

Once you have made your extract and it has sat for a little while, it’s ready for bottling. If you don’t want to use a bigger container to make a large batch for dividing up, you CAN make the extract directly into your gift bottles to start. Just be sure to put on the label that it will not be ready for a few months.

1) First purchase some amber bottles either online or at your local craft store. I would call the store ahead of time just in case they do not carry them. I liked the 4 ounce bottles but you could go smaller or larger. Amber bottles are necessary to keep the vanilla on your shelf indefinitely so be sure to use them as opposed to clear ones.

2) Set up your bottling station as pictured below. I would label your bottles AFTER you fill them. I did it before and ended up with a few stained.

3) Take a coffee filter or cheesecloth and line a strainer with it over a bowl.

4) Pour the contents through the strainer and let it strain slowly to the bowl.

5) Once complete you can toss the vanilla beans into your container of sugar for some added flavor.

6) Fill your amber bottles, seal and label. You’re finished! Now they are ready for holiday gifts, an easy hostess gift, or just to store for your use. I hope you have as much fun as I did with this little experiment in making homemade vanilla extract!


**Also note that we are starting our Chillin’ for the Holidays series which includes holiday cookies all week long this week, a Show Us Your Cookies Photo Contest and RSVP for the Once A Month Mom “Show Us Your Cookies” Virtual Christmas Party!