
DIY with Target Threshold this Spring

How about we step out of the kitchen for a little bit and chat? Do you mind? I love the kitchen and all but the rest of my house is just as fun to visit as my kitchen. Today I want to take you just around the corner of my kitchen to my bathroom. Yes, my bathroom. No, I haven’t lost my marbles. I want to take you to this bathroom because Target Threshold recently gave me the challenge (and some money to execute the challenge) to brighten a room in my house.

As I walked through each of the rooms of my home thinking about which would be best I always settled back to the first floor bathroom. I haven’t mentioned it much around these parts but during the holidays we unexpectantly moved to a new home (that is a long story for another day) that has WAY MORE bathrooms than our old house. (We use to have only one VERY SMALL bathroom for the four of us). I am not complaining, don’t get me wrong. Anyway, we moved into a bigger place that is beautiful but there are many a room in this house that we have not furnished nor decorated because our budget just hasn’t allowed for that. The first room I wanted to tackle? You have got it, the first floor bathroom! It is the bathroom that nearly every guest visits when they enter our home; at least if they have to use the restroom. It is also right off our formal dining room and was so drab and plain with no character. Not anymore! I had a $200 budget and the disposal of the entire Target Threshold line at my disposal. Here is a before and after. . . . . . what do you think? Want to come over for dinner to visit my bathroom? Come on over, you are welcome! I absolutely LOVE it! And it is very different from the way I thought it would be. I was having a hard time with this room because it is off our formal dining room that is a scarlet color. The wood is espresso, almost black, but the floors have an orange and grey tile. I was really struggling with whether it should be a formal black and scarlet color or a more neutral and brown color. Then, I found this stool! I was in love. I used the stool as the inspiration for the room, played on my favorite colors together, that green and teal, and threw in a little of the scarlet color for accent. It’s the right mix of classic and modern. An effortless elegance. Beautiful, yet affordable. Designed for a lifetime of housewarmings. It’s everything you’ll love about your home. Here is what I got in case you were wondering (all part of the Target Threshold line). . .

Do you have a room you are looking to brighten this season? Have you checked out the Target Threshold line lately? I am sure there is something there at an affordable price for your room too!

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Target via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Target. All the opinions in this post are mine, want to know more about how I facilitate reviews, view my full disclosure policy!