
Baby Food: Quinoa with Strawberries

Quinoa (pronounced Keen-Wah) is a super nutritious, gluten free grain that makes a great addition to any baby food puree.  Typically introducing to your baby between the age of  6-9 months, this grain is packed with fiber, iron, calcium and folate.   As a great source of protein, quinoa can also be a option for the vegetarian baby.

Quinoa with strawberries

Lisa @



Combine quinoa, cinnamon and berries. Puree, adding formula a Tablespoon at a time.

Freezing Directions:

Transfer mixture to a nonfreezer gallon bag. Cut a small hole in the bottom corner of the bag and use it to pour/squeeze the purees into ice cube trays. DO NOT OVERFILL. Only fill each cube up to the sides and not overflowing the sides. Cover each tray with aluminum foil and label. Freeze for at least 24 hours before transferring to quart or gallon freezer bags for long-term storage.

Servings: 10

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