
Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche

Meet Becca, our blog partner from Amuse Your Bouche. She loves easy, vegetarian recipes and cheese. Even if you aren’t 100% vegetarian, check out her site for some delicious and quick meatless meals for the spring and Lenten season. If you are new to vegetarianism or thinking about it, check out her recent post featuring 11 Tips for New Vegetarians. You can connect with Becca on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and you can find here recipes here on our menus!

Original: Slow Cooker Mushroom Stroganoff (traditional, vegetarian, gluten free)

Freezable: Slow Cooker Mushroom Stroganoff (log-in required)

Original: Veggie Packed Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup (gluten free, dairy free, vegan)

Freezable: Veggie Packed Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup (log-in required)

How long have you been blogging about food?
Just over three years now – but it seems like much longer!

Have you always loved cooking, or was it a skill that you learned to love? Who taught you to cook?
I baked a bit with my mum when I was growing up, but wasn’t particularly into cooking until I was at uni, and was forced to cook for myself every night. There were definitely nights when I ate the standard frozen pizza or instant noodles, but I also learned how to make slightly more interesting meals too!

What is your favorite meal to serve to family and friends? What is your favorite treat to make for yourself?
I love making risotto for dinner parties – as long as you’re well-prepared in advance, it doesn’t take long (you can even pre-cook it completely and then reheat it when everyone’s arrived), and it’s a real people-pleaser! Add a nice big green salad and a bit of garlic bread, and everyone’s happy.

When it comes to cooking just for myself, I’ll admit I’m a bit lazy – I just cook something really quick. I prefer cooking for other people! But my reader’s favorite recipes are veggie burrito bowls, my salted chocolate pots with caramel sauce (which are one of my favorites!!), and my homemade chip shop curry sauce. My readers must be a diverse bunch!

What is your favorite kitchen tool or gadget? Tell us a little about how you fell in love with it and how you use it in your kitchen.
I love my mini food processor. It doesn’t take up as much space as a big one, and it’s perfect for making small batches of pesto, hummus, breadcrumbs, or anything else that needs blitzing up! I use it at least once a week.

When you are meal planning or looking for new recipes, what kind of guidelines do you follow or what inspires you?
Honestly, I just think about what’s going to be easy and simple! I absolutely love cooking, but I’m not the sort of person who enjoys spending hours and hours making one meal. I love taking my favorite flavor combinations (usually Mexican or Italian flavors!) and using them in new ways – like in my enchilada noodles, or my cherry tomato crumble (with mozzarella and basil!)

What items are ALWAYS on your grocery list? What items will you NEVER put on your grocery list?
I’m always stocked up with chickpeas, black beans, my beloved cheddar cheese… and a few items that will make a quick dinner when I’m in a rush, like some pasta and a jar of pesto.

Tell us the best kitchen tip or trick that you’ve ever discovered.
Microwaving a butternut squash to make it easier to cut! I always used to fear losing a finger when chopping a huge squash, but microwaving it makes it really easy!

What do you like to do when you aren’t cooking or blogging?
I love spending time with my friends and family, and we recently got a new puppy, who takes up most of my spare time at the moment! But I’ve always enjoyed all things crafty – sewing, making clothes and bags, even a bit of painting!

Have you ever freezer cooked? Share some of your favorite recipes or tips.
To be honest, in my house most things get eaten before they make it to the freezer!

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