
Olivia @ The Sensuist

Olivia blogs about her love for good food at The Sensuist. She loves adventure in the kitchen – trying new recipes, new ingredient combinations, and aspiring to creativity and audacity in her cooking. She says one of her favorite quotes is by journalist Harriet Van Horne, “Cooking is like love — it should be entered into with abandon or not at all.” I love that attitude! All of her recipes look delicious, but I was interested in the thematic menus that she has put together for her readers as well.

Our favorite recipe so far is:

Original: Shrimp Etoufee (nut free)

Freezable: Shrimp Etoufee (Log-in required)

How long have you been blogging about food?

Two years.

Have you always loved cooking, or was it a skill that you learned to love? Who taught you to cook?

I started cooking in grade school. This is not to say I was good at it, but I liked the way it made me feel independent. In fifth grade I made an absolutely horrible key lime pie. It took me over a decade to be able to look at key lime pie without feeling sick.

What is your favorite meal to serve to family and friends? What is your favorite treat to make for yourself?

I don’t think I have a favorite thing to make! I’m always on the lookout for my next favorite recipe. I like to try new things and experiment.

What is your favorite kitchen tool or gadget? Tell us a little about how you fell in love with it and how you use it in your kitchen.

A sharp knife! Don’t spend years of frustration sawing away in frustration at winter squash and smashing tender tomatoes with a dull knife like I did. Make a small investment in a decent knife sharpener. It will change your life in the kitchen.

When you are meal planning or looking for new recipes, what kind of guidelines do you follow for choosing them or what inspires you? 

I usually start with one particular ingredient that I want to use and then go to my favorite cookbook, The Flavor Bible to get some inspiration. The book doesn’t include any recipes, just a list of complimentary ingredients to inspire you.

(This book sounds interesting! It is now on my list to read – thanks Olivia.)

What items are ALWAYS on your grocery list? What items will you NEVER put on your grocery list?

I think my grocery list is pretty much like everyone else’s, milk for the kids and wine for me. As far as an ingredient I refuse to buy, I can’t think of anything I’m adverse to. I like strong flavors and trying things I haven’t had before. One ingredient I do love that has a bad reputation is anchovies. On their own they can be a bit pungent but you don’t have to be strange like me and eat them by the forkful. Try adding one or two to your next tomato dish for a savory burst of flavor. I add them to my pizza sauce, and it is so good.

Tell us the best kitchen tip or trick that you’ve ever discovered.

Use your hands. Dive right in and get messy. Use them to mix and mash things. Learn what a tablespoon and teaspoon of a spice or salt looks like in your palm and then you’ll never need to dig around in that junk drawer again for the missing measuring spoon!

(Olivia shares some of her favorite tips on her blog as well.)

What do you like to do when you aren’t cooking or blogging?

Oh dear. Can I skip this question?!? I would love to sound cultured and tell you that I do dramatic poetry readings in my spare time, but I’m a single Mom, so there aren’t too many moments that aren’t taken up by parenting my two highly spirited children.  Sometimes going to the grocery store without them in tow seems exciting to me.

Have you ever freezer cooked? Share some of your favorite recipes or tips.

I am really big on doubling a recipe and freezing half of it for a busy day. But, I must admit with head hung low, I have not embarked on a big OAMM cooking and freezing day. Now that I’ve brought this deep shameful secret to light, I will have to remedy that. I feel a new blog topic coming on for February!

(No shame in that, but I promise that once you try it you’ll be hooked!)

**Has a recipe of yours been featured in an OAMM menu and/or do you have at least a dozen recipes that you would like us to consider so that you can be an OAMM blog partner? If so, find out more here.**