
How I Once A Month Cook: Kelly

Do you want to know how many hats I wear each day? First and foremost, I am a wife and mother to a curious two year old and due with our second addition in mid-January. I work full time in the construction industry. I am a birth doula.  And on top of it all, I blog here at Once A Month Meals as the contributing Real Food Meal Plan writer. That’s a lot of hats! But I’m so proud and fortunate to wear each and every one of them.

How do I do it all? If I knew I would tell you, but I have no clue. I will say however planning ahead and eating healthy and real foods are priorities that are equal. Meaning I make a large effort to really take a look at what time I have to spare on the weekends to create meals for my family to eat throughout the week which we will enjoy and feel good about eating. Or I simply double meals I make during the week to enjoy again on another day.

Today I try to get in a large cooking day where I do a full meal plan every few months. And since I am currently pregnant, I’m doing as much as I can to fill our freezer so I can really rest in the first few months of being a family of four. This past month I did a Once A Month Meals cooking swap with my co-workers and it was a huge success! (More details coming up as our Getting Started series continues.) Come see me on my cooking day for my swap!

And here’s a small tour of our large freezer, elk meat and all!