
Is Bulk Really Better?

Have you ever wondered if the deal you are getting on that giant box of macaroni and cheese is a good deal? A reader answers the question today of whether buying in bulk will really save you money.


Bigger = Better, right? And bulk = bigger, so bulk = better, right?

Photo by: Matt Hempel. Used under the Creative Commons attribution license.

We live in a world where, for the most part, bigger is better. Many of us have memberships to Sam’s or Costco or BJ’s because we want to buy a lot of stuff at one time. Instead of a can of tuna, we can by 10 cans packaged together. Instead of a pack of gum we get a case of gum. For some things, this is ok, but is it always better? Let’s look at a few issues on both sides of the equation.

When is it better?

Save on gas. If you are making fewer trips to the store in a given week or month, then you will be able to save on your gas bill too.

The price is right. When the unit price is definitely better than buying smaller items, and especially if you are buying staple items for you family that you know will be used.

Eat in, not out. When you can cook in bulk and have food on hand at a moment’s notice, thus resisting the urge to buy fast food on an off night or when you are out running errands (perfect with Once a Month Meals!).

But when is it not better to buy in bulk? Ask yourself some questions.

Do you know the shelf life? If you are not going to use a product before it will go bad you should rethink buying it. Do you know the shelf life of the products you are buying? Do you know how long that chicken should last in your freezer, or how long that box of cereal should sit on your shelf? Does the deal you would get seem as good if you never use or eat it?

Do you have anywhere to put it? If you do not have the room to store the items, especially things that need to go in the refrigerator or freezer, it is not going to be worth the little bit you might save if you have nowhere to put it.

Is the unit price less? Pay attention to the unit prices when you are trying to shop in bulk. I have noticed recently, that the bigger box does not always mean that it is the better deal. Sometimes it may be better to buy more of the smaller version, again, as long as you have room for storage. Do you have a calculator when you shop to check the unit price for yourself?

Do you have portion control? If you can’t control your eating and you eat more just because you have it, then it isn’t lasting you any longer. You are just eating more between trips (you may need to divide products into portions if this will help you). It can be like going to a buffet and feeling like you have to eat more so you can “get your money’s worth”. If you buy more, does it last longer or do you just use more?

There is a time for everything. Sometimes it is time to go bulk, but sometimes it is not. There are pros and there are cons to everything and it is no different with buying in bulk. Figure out what works best for you, in your hometown, in your financial situation, in your family. Above all, make sure you do your research. When is bulk better for you?


About Angela – I am married to my best friend, I am a mother to a beautiful 4 month old boy, and I have recently become a part time SAHM. I love being a mother, and I love that it has challenged our family to take a hard look at how we live, including what we do with our finances. We are so blessed and it is now my goal to be a blessing to others through the blogs I write, whether it be about my frugal journey or my journey in motherhood. I can be found writing about life with my son at or about learning to live a more frugal life at