
Do You Pinterest?

Have you succumbed to the new craze that is Pinterest? It seems that in my life Pinterest seems to be taking my friends by storm. I know a lot of my friends are involved in social media but I have to say that I have seen many, many more that aren’t social media fanatics jumping on board. And in an effort to not be left in their dust, I caved to the ways of Pinterest myself. If you are already familiar with Pinterest, skip to the next paragraph. If you aren’t familiar, it is a way to “pin” internet posts you like and share them with friends and family. It is a great way to organize your thoughts and those great ideas, recipes and more that you see when surfing the web. Why is it such a rage right now? My best guess is that it is due to the fact that when you “pin” a post it shows up on a one page organization “board” with a key picture. You can write a blurb about the post so that you remember why you pinned it or simply to share the idea with others.

For me the selling point is the PICTURES! I am so visual. Seeing all my potential ideas or recipes in one place with a picture is such an amazing experience. It really helps me to organize myself and my plans. I am experimenting at this point BUT I think that there is a high likelihood that we might start doing this each month for each of the menus. Wouldn’t that be awesome? You could see what you were cooking organized in one space so you can see if you think your family will like those recipes/menu. I would LOVE your feedback about this. Not a member of Pinterest? Check around (Facebook is a good place to scour) to see if your friends are members and ask them to send you an invite. Are you on Pinterest already? Start following some of the OAMM authors who are already there. . .