
Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Dairy Free Laundry Edition

My family just got back yesterday from a nine day trip to the Outer Banks with my father-in-law.  For me, that means instead of getting up to watch the sunrise over the ocean with my hubby, I’ll be getting up to get the kids back into their school routine and on the bus.

And instead of watching wild dolphins play in the waves, it means watching clothes spin in the washer.  LOTS of laundry.  It is an amazing, towering Mt. Washmore of laundry.  So, while I do loads of laundry, sweep sand from the suitcases, and think of the memories we made as a family, I feel fortunate to have plenty of dinners in the freezer to get me through this week.

It is so nice not to have to scramble for dinner (and my kids’ lunches) as soon as we get back from vacation. I’ll be linking this up to the Gluten Free Menu Swap.  This week is hosted by Heather of Celiac Family, the new home of the swap.

Menu Plan Monday



Wednesday – No school

Thursday – No School

Friday – No school



For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!