Meal Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday – The Celebrate America Edition

On July 2, 2012 by Tricia

With a week full of field trips, potlucks and fireworks, our family will be on the go most every day. My saving grace is my stocked freezer – so all I have to do is plan ahead, pull out of freezer and gather around the table.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: The Crazy Summer Edition

On June 4, 2012 by Tricia

Summer has officially begun in our household, and with 4 boys of our own home every day, all day, plus an additional 4-6 daycare kids, I have to be on top of my menu planning game!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Vegetarian Pew Pew Fireworks Edition

On May 28, 2012 by Tricia

As a vegetarian/meat-eating blended-eater family, barbecue holidays are always a bit of a challenge. Especially now that we’re Getting Real and we can’t just toss some veggie dogs on the barbecue!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Dairy Free Edition

On May 21, 2012 by Tricia

Tis the season for end of the school year activities! Having a menu plan for my week means that I don’t have to try to figure out what is for dinner on a busy night with all the other crazy activities going on.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: End of School Year Edition

On May 14, 2012 by Heather

What a crazy busy couple of weeks coming up! We have the school year ending in two weeks, and there are a flurry of activities associated with that: field trips, volunteer breakfast, field day, end-of-the-year party, etc. . .

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Countdown to Graduation

On May 7, 2012 by Tricia

We will of course be relying heavily on eating meals “from the freezer” for not only our family suppers, but also daycare toddler meals and snacks.

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Traditional

On April 9, 2012 by Tricia

As if our life wasn’t busy enough, tee ball season has started. Insert the NEED for simple make-ahead meals at my house!

Menu Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday: Daycare Edition

On April 2, 2012 by Tricia

Spring has arrived, and this means lots of outside playtime for the kids! It also means our meals become quicker, lighter and we do a lot of grilling!