
Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Dairy Free Edition

‘Tis the season for end of the school year activities!  You all know what that means for me: plan, plan, plan your menu.  Having a menu plan for my week means that I don’t have to try to figure out what is for dinner on a busy night with all the other crazy activities going on.

This week is the last week of track at the high school, the last week of newspaper club at the middle school and the last week of piano lessons for all my kiddos because there is a piano recital next week.  The final band concert was this past week, and the last orchestra concert will be on Tuesday.

Soccer practice is in full swing with the first game in the next couple of weeks.  Fun!  We have ordered chickens and they will be arriving on Thursday.  My kids and I are so excited to start our chicken adventure and have set everything up for our new family members.  I can’t wait!

Menu Plan Monday

The Gluten Free Menu Swap is being hosted this week by Heather at Celiac Family.  She has picked chocolate for the theme this week.  You know I love me some chocolate!  Mmmm…

This past weekend my big kids had two different activities I made big gluten and dairy free Texas sheet cakes for (chocolate cake covered in fudge frosting).  Other chocolate goodness we like are Gluten Free Dairy Free Mocha Chip Muffins and Babycake’s Allergen Free Brownies.  Yum!






Saturday & Sunday

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!