
The “Going Away” Meal Plan Monday (1/24/11)

It is here, Blissdom! The week I have been yearning for. A chance to see some of my favorite bloggers in all the earth! The January love fest. 🙂 Just two more days, just two more days. I just have to get through two more days. Ah, enough of that you say! You are still stuck at home so you don’t want to hear it? Yea, I get that. Well, as you know a mom’s time off is never really “time off”. I am working diligently this weekend to make sure that this little tribe has enough food to eat for the week and clean laundry. You know the drill. This is the menu plan, but if history repeats itself they will likely abandon my plan altogether and just eat frozen pizza or out at a restaurant. I know my husband too well. 🙂 At least I am going to try. In addition to the below meal plan I am stashing some of these away in the freezer for easy breakfasts and lunches:

*Don’t miss the Apartment Guide’s New Year, New Space Blogger Challenge $100 Giveaway going on through January 29th at 8:00 pm!

Menu Plan Monday

[singlepic id=1153 w=320 h=240 float=right] MondayPot Roast with potatoes, carrots and onions (didn’t get to it last week) TuesdayChicken Broccoli Casserole, salad Wednesday – House Church gathering Thursday – Frozen Pizza, fruit Friday – Out to dinner (I know he will regardless if I plan something) 🙂 Saturday – Lunch – leftovers

Dinner – Chicken Macaroni Bake, fruit, vegetable

Sunday – Lunch – leftovers

Dinner – Out to dinner as mama won’t want to cook. 🙂

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!