
May Recap

**This post is part of the Get Real series. Please remember that this is meant as a learning community. We know that many of you are passionate about what you do and we want you to express that, just please do so in a way that will be an encouragement and aid to others making a transition. We want this to be a “safe space” for participants to learn. For that reason, we reserve the right to delete any comments that are not handled in this manner.

I know I’ve said it before, but we have had some amazing months already with Get Real, and the best is still to come! Summer has arrived and what better way to kick it off than to talk about beef and pork as we have this month, as I know you have all been grilling!

This month we focused on beef and pork mainly because they are the primary proteins in the majority of our households as well as our menus! We started with pork and the questions you wanted answered. Did you find a difference when you bought pork at the market? How about a taste difference in the nitrite and nitrate free hot dogs you bought this last holiday weekend? If you’re like me, they tasted BETTER and now you’re hooked.

Next we had Vanessa from Chefdruck Musings stop by and help us to make the right choices when choosing beef. Did it help you understand beef and the options available to you? I can say we have a grinder here at our house for because of the big game my husband hunts and I’m more than intrigued to start grinding our own beef too like Vanessa suggested.

Kristi our very own Vegetarian writer here at OAMM, stepped up last week and helped out those of you who do not eat meat. She outlined how to make your own meat alternatives and substitutes. This is extremely beneficial because as outlined by Kristi a lot of the meat alternatives on the market can be processed and worse for you.

Lastly this week Tricia outlined for you the steps to take to purchasing a beef side from a local producer.  She talked about researching through your local cooperative extension office and 4-H. There are also sites such as and that can help you search as well.  We decided to not do a beef side this year here at our house. However our first purchase last year was a great experience and the farm is literally just two miles from our house and it’s so nice to know EXACTLY where our beef comes from and to show my sons.

What was YOUR favorite post this month?

May Get Real:

Please take a moment to thank our guest authors by clicking over to their sites and/or liking them on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Sponsor:  Once A Month Mom
Guest Author: Rachel of Harmonious Homestead