Homemade Freezable Yogurt in the Slow Cooker

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Homemade Freezable Yogurt in the Slow Cooker

The Cook
10 Servings
3 Ingredients

Making some foods at home can be intimidating, I sure was over making yogurt. I needn't be though, it was so simple!

10 Servings
3 Ingredients


  • 8 cups Whole Milk
  • 4 ounces Yogurt, Plain
  • ½ cups Honey



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Cooking Instructions

Freeze For Later Cooking Day Directions

Slow Cooker

These directions help you cook or prepare this meal PRIOR to being frozen for serving later (see Serving Day Directions when you are ready to prepare it to eat).

Why would I want to freeze this?

  1. Pour the milk into the slow cooker.
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Make From Frozen Serving Day Directions

Easy Assembly/Ready to Eat

These directions help you cook or reheat this meal AFTER it's been frozen for when you are ready to eat it.

  1. Thaw: In fridge
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Make It Now Cooking Directions

Slow Cook

These directions are for cooking this recipe to serve immediately and NOT to freeze for later.

  1. Pour the milk into the slow cooker.
  2. Turn the slow cooker on LOW, put the lid on, and heat the milk for 2.5 hours.
  3. After that time, turn your slow cooker off, unplug it, and let it sit, covered, for 2.5 – 3 hours.
  4. To the slow cooker add the plain yogurt (your starter) and honey and whisk together.
  5. Cover the slow cooker and wrap it in a thick towel to insulate it. Now you let the yogurt culture by letting it stand like this for 8+ hours. In this case, overnight.
  6. Take a strainer, line it with a coffee filter, and place it over a bowl.
  7. Then ladle your yogurt into the strainer.
  8. Place the bowl/strainer combo into the fridge where your yogurt can cool. After several hours, the whey will strain out of your yogurt, leaving it nice and thick!
  9. Scrape the yogurt out of the coffee filter and into a container.

Nutrition Facts

Servings Per Recipe
10 Servings
Serving Size
about 1/2 cup
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat
Total Carbohydrates
WW Freestyle


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  1. If you make it plain, no sweetener, you can save done back to make more, but I’m pretty sure freezing it kills the cultures, so if that’s your plan it wouldn’t work so well. I’ve ben making my yogurt this way for months with great success.

    1. You can freeze plain yogurt with active cultures to use as a starter for homemade yogurt. I freeze mine in ice cube trays, bag the cubes up, and thaw a couple when I am ready to make yogurt. Since the cultures are still active enough after freezing to propagate in a new batch, I would think that yogurt would still contain the cultures after freezing. I don’t have a reference, but that is my experience. 🙂

  2. Aboutyogurt.com says, “The freezing process does not kill any significant amount of the cultures—in fact, during the freezing process the cultures go into a dormant state, but when eaten and returned to a warm temperature within the body, they again become active and are capable of providing all the benefits of cultures in a refrigerated yogurt product.” 🙂

    1. Use the whey to sour milk, ferment veggies, add to shakes (ever heard of “whey” protein this is where they get it from!)

  3. This looks awesome. I’ve done yougurt on the stove and then insulated it in coolers, but this looks much simpler! Thanks for the great idea!

      1. Can’t view her uses for using whey. When I try to go to her site, using your link and by typing her address into my browser, I get prompted to add apps to my browser that are blocked by my security software. Her site won’t let me on. So far, with 5 tries each way, I have been prompted to add 8 different apps to my browser!

        1. Hi Lyn, Unfortunately with this being an outside source it does appear that it is no longer a valid link. We apologize for the confusion.

  4. wow great idea! I would love to make my own yogurt. And this is easier than those fancy yogurt makers out there!

    1. Not easier; the steps are the same… The advantage would be it takes you less counter space but it isn’t easier! With yogurt maker you dont need to insulate it and your yogurt isnt runny ni need to stir it up. No need to drain it. The spoon stands up inside it!

  5. Yay for homemade yogurt! This is similar to the recipe I have used. Something else I have done is keeping the towel-wrapped slow cooker in the oven with the light on for the 8-ish hours. It helps to keep everything warm. Just be sure to not preheat the oven for something else 😉

  6. It worked!! I’m so, SO excited since we eat yogurt daily! I used a little lemon extract since i was out of vanilla, and it is delicious! Just the right amount of sweetness (for me, at least! I don’t like it super sweet). Thanks for the recipe! Mine is super thick, which I love; I guess since i let it drain overnight….but if you add back in some whey, you can thin it to your desired consistency.
    I’m off to see what to do with the whey!! 🙂 thanks again!!

  7. I’ve been making my yogurt this way or a few months and we love it! Thanks so much for posting this recipe. Just wondering if I double the amount I want to make do I need to add any extra time at any of the steps?

      1. I used 12 cups instead of 8 and it didn’t change the amount of time at any steps! It came out great and now I’ve got more yogurt. 🙂

  8. I’m wondering if cheesecloth would work in place of the coffee filters as that is what I have? Any thoughts before I attempt this awesomely easy looking recipe? 😉

  9. Still searching for your slow cooker yogurt making directions in your categories but haven’t found it under either slow cooker or yogurt. I had to do a google search to find it. Would be nice to add to the list! Thanks:)

  10. I have been making yogurt for quite some time now. I found that straining the whey was losing a good amount of my yogurt and a lot of the “good” protein. Instead, I add one cup of nonfat milk powder to the cold milk at the start of the process. Also, I’ve found if left to culture for closer to 10+ hours the yogurt comes out with a much thicker consistency. I hope that this helps.

    1. After some googling to make sure, I saw that yes, it will make yogurt, but without stabilizers, it will be much runnier than the dairy version. I’m not sure how it would be affected by straining. Here’s the best post I’ve found on it. http://www.bryannaclarkgrogan….

  11. I accidentally cooked the milk on high instead of low. Is it ruined? Not sure if I should proceed or scrap it and start over?

  12. I don’t typically have coffee filters at my house, but I’ve got cheesecloth. Has anyone had success using cheesecloth to strain out the whey? I wanted to ask before I tried it and came up with an accidental mess!

    1. If you have any of those thin cotton dishtowels (I think they’re often called bar towels), I find they work even better than cheesecloth. Cheesecloth does work fine if you use several layers, but it doesn’t really come clean again easily so it’s generally one time use. The dishtowels can be rinsed and then washed in the laundry and then they’re perfectly fine to use again.

  13. I drink the ” whey” straight as do youghurtmakers in Europe and middle east. It is extremely healthy, fat free and tasty. Pour into empty jars and drink cold.

  14. How much “Greek style” yogurt do you get after 2 strainings? We go through a Costco size tub of Fage every week! This could save me $$!!

  15. I have been using this recipe and love it! It is super easy and definitely saves us money! My question is that I’ve noticed that it seems to have gotten a little sour or something. It seems to have bubbles and maybe be a bit fermented? Is this because I keep using the same yogurt over and over as a starter? (I’ve repeated the process maybe 4 times now). Or is this taste/bubbles normal and ok? Thanks so much for this great recipe! I appreciate what you do!

      1. Thanks! I realized after I wrote this that I let it sit too long in one part of the process. Maybe that made it do something it wasn’t supposed to! =) Thanks again!

      1. Thanks! I’m off to the store now… not totally going vegan with it just much prefer alternative milks:)Thanks again,

  16. I’m thinking of making this for my little dude (7 months old) but I’m unsure of the using the sugar or vanilla. Has anyone made this without adding the extra sweetness? How did it come out?

    1. Marissa I have used honey (can’t with your little one) and I have used maple syrup in past and they have tasted great. The vanilla doesn’t add sweetness it’s more for a flavor and to help with the tang.

  17. I have been making homemade yogurt for a long time. I used to use a conventional yogurt maker, then tried the crockpot method like in this post, tried a few other methods, but I finally found the easiest and best method for me:I dissolve 2 cups of non-instant powdered milk into 2 quarts (not more than 110 degrees) warm water. Then I stir in 1/2 cup of plain yogurt (make sure the brand you use has the live cultures) I pour/ladle this int pint jars. I bought some of the white Kerr lids and use them to cover the jars.I have a small cooler chest so I place a bath towel in the cooler, then place these jars around inside. I also fill 1 or 2 quart jars with hot tap water and place them between some of the jars. This helps “incubate” the cultures. I cover all of them with the rest of the towel and close the lid. 8-10 hours later I have the nicest yogurt ever!If it is too runny, I just keep it in the cooler for a little while longer. Or, you can add more powdered milk at the beginning for thicker yogurt.I found that it is not necessary to do the “scalding” to kill bacteria when using powdered milk.
    I usually put 1/2 cup “blobs” on waxed paper and quick freeze them, then I bag them for my starters.The whole prep time is usually about 10-15 minutes. You can add your sweetener and/or flavorings when you serve it. I use this in my green drinks every morning, and it adds a nice flavor and texture.It doesn’t get much simpler than that! Enjoy!

  18. I just tried this and I’m trying to figure out what I did wrong. I followed the instructions and used my collander lined with coffee filters, but most of the liquid drained right through. When it was done sitting, I only got 2 small containers of thick yoghurt, the rest drained through. I will still use what was underneath, but it is runny of course. I used 1% milk. Would using whole milk work better? Do I need a smaller strainer? Any thoughts? Thanks so much!

    1. Bummer! Yes I use whole milk most of the time because you do get more out of it. However you could strain it through twice and see?

  19. Thanks! I will try that next time. My family LOVES this yoghurt so I’ll be making more this week. 🙂

      1. It says to wrap a towel around the cooled off crock to ‘insulate’ – which confuses me. It doesn’t not instruct to turn crockpot back on and after being off for several hours, there is nothing to insulate. Help! I’m so confused.

  20. Has anyone used raw milk to make theirs? We buy raw cow milk from a local farmer and I was wondering if it would work since it’s not homogenized.Thanks!

  21. Great idea. Years ago I had a yogurt culture some friends had brought from India, their family’s culture. The biggest trick was heating the milk just warm enough to kill off the bacteria, etc, but not too hot to kill the culture. This would do the trick no doubt. Just warm enough. Leave out the sugar, or honey. Simply not needed plus then you get the twang of real yogurt that has been eaten plain for eons.

  22. Just made this for the first time. Seems to have turned out ok. My question is that I read in a few comments about not putting in the sweetener and vanilla so you can save some back for a starter. So once the sweetener (honey) and vanilla is in it, will it not work as a starter for another batch?

  23. I didnt read far enough down the thread,I was ignorant as well, I added my starter yogurt, sugar and vanilla before the 2-3 hour wait time. Have I ruined it?

  24. How much protein is in each serving? Do you have the nutrition fact for this yogurt? Thanks so much. I just made this and it was great!

    1. The prepared yogurt is used as a culture starter to introduce the beneficial bacteria to what will become your homemade yogurt. If you make a batch of plain yogurt you can save and freeze some for future batches to use as the starter instead of a store bought variety.

  25. You may want to check the link to Alicia’s site. It is taking me to a horrible porn site instead. Thanks for the recipe. . . We are straining the whey out of our yogurt now!

  26. Hi, After putting a scoop into the coffee filter it is literally draining at the pace of a snail. I let it sit overnight without heat. Was it supposed to have heat during that time?

    1. Hi Adam- the strain can take a while. You can always skip the filter and skim the liquid off with a spoon, but it will yield a thinner yogurt in the end. There’s no need for heat if you already done the initial 8+ hours in the insulated slow cooker. How did it turn out?

  27. I know I am very late to the game and this post has been up a while, but I am going to ask anyway in the hopes that someone might see it and be able to help. I made this yogurt and it turned out wonderful. Great flavor, exactly what I hoped. However, I froze half of it and ones I thawed it, it was very grainy and super thin, like milk. I ended up straining it again to thicken it up but the texture was so grainy I ended up throwing it and trying a new batch. Is there a trick to freezing that I am missing?

  28. What do you guys use the whey for? (The liquid) I was thinking of freezing that and using it for pasta or stew water???