
Meal Plan Monday: Blogher Food Post-Mortem Edition

Okay, so maybe I didn’t eat myself to death at the conference. Perhaps just a bit of a food coma going on here that is likely to last about a week the way I ate at Blogher Food. For the second year in a row Blogher Food did not disappoint! It still remains my favorite conference of the entire year. Rooming with the fabulous French Foodie Mom always helps too! I am not sure I can even sum up this experience in words quite yet. So how about I leave it to pictures? (And you will have to settle for point and shoot pictures because I had to leave room in my luggage for all that swag and opted not to take my “real” camera.) Enjoy! (Warning, you should probably get yourself some breakfast before you continue perusing. [nggallery id=205]

Menu Plan Monday

This week is exactly that, post-mortem week for me. I feel like a food truck ran me over and I need some time to recovery I am going to try to keep things light around here BUT we have some beef coming our way and I NEED to clear my freezer out a bit. The new rule in this house is that we aren’t allowed to eat a meal unless something was removed to consume from the freezer. So you will be seeing LOTS of freezer meals on the menu plan this week and in the weeks to come. (I’m kind of a freezer hoarder. Shh, don’t tell them in case they are considering a spin off of Extreme Couponing. . .Extreme Freezer Cooking.) And as always, I have included our toddler lunch meal plan so you perhaps can be inspired. Monday





Saturday – Lunch – leftovers

Dinner – Slow Cooker Pineapple Chicken Stew over rice (from the freezer), eggrolls

Sunday – Lunch – leftovers

Dinner – Tacos (cooked beef from freezer), guacamole, corn on the cob

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!