
Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Dairy Free Birthday Edition

This week is a big fun one for my kids.  They have Monday off from school, my oldest daughter’s birthday is on Wednesday (she will be 14!) and then she gets to see the amazing Broadway production of the Lion King the next day.  My youngest is having a sleepover on the weekend and my oldest has a cross country ski meet this week.  Now, if we could only get a bit of real snow so he doesn’t have to race on the artificial stuff, the week would be set!

The Gluten Free Menu Swap is being hosted by Heather of Celiac Family.  She picked smoothies for the theme this week.  I have a bunch of gluten and dairy free smoothies that my family makes.  I try to keep frozen bananas in the freezer so we can whip smoothies up whenever we are in the mood.  Frozen bananas lend a creaminess and body to dairy free smoothies that we love.

Menu Plan Monday








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