
Meal Plan Monday: Memorial Day Edition

I hope everyone is enjoying this kick off to summer fun weekend with some family friend and a salute to those that have made this celebration (and continue to make this celebration weekend) possible. We have been a bit under the weather for the better part of a week, each with something different. SO. We are spending most of this weekend sleep, sleep, sleeping and resting our weary souls so that we can enter summer on the healthy side of things. I am excited, excited, excited that this week ushers in a new month and therefore a new line up of menus including the debut of the Vegetarian Menu. Stay tuned as all menus will be posted by 8 am EST on Wednesday, June 1st!

Menu Plan Monday

Again, outside of eating with friends for the holiday we are continuing to try and make a dent in our freezer stash so we can have room for some incoming beef. So here is our plan complete with the toddler plan.

Chicken Stew




Baked Spaghetti



Saturday – Lunch – leftovers

Dinner – OAMM’s Favorite Pot Roast (roast from freezer), fruit salad

Sunday – Lunch – leftovers

Dinner – Tacos, guacamole

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!