
Meal Plan Monday: October 25, 2010 (Tweet-Up Edition)

I am soooooo happy to report that this should be my last embarrassing Menu Plan Monday for awhile. With the Tweet-Up out of the way, the Holiday eCookbook published, and the business of October nearly behind us we are ready to commit to healthy eating AT HOME this week! YAY! And since my meal plan was yet another embarrassment, I figured I would share with you the menu from the Once A Month Mom Tweet-Up. I can’t wait to tell you more about it but one thing is for certain; we at well! [singlepic id=1153 w=220 h=140 float=right] Here is what participants got to have:

Menu Plan Monday

[singlepic id=1068 w=220 h=140 float=right] Our embarrassing meal plan from last week. MondayDown Home Spaghetti Sauce, noodles, easy garlic bread Tuesday – Chicken Tacos Wednesday – Leftovers Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – On the road for the Once a Month Mom Tweet-Up so we pretty much ate out for every meal {blush}. For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!