
First Foods (6-9+ Month) Summer Baby Food Meal Plan

Summer is the perfect time to create nutritious and delicious meals for your 6-9 month old baby.  With an abundance of  fresh produce hitting the grocery aisles and local farmer markets, your little once can experience the bounty of nature along with the whole family!  This First Foods Summer Meal Plan incorporates many of the in season fruits and vegetables into your big cooking day for baby. The Baby & Toddler Food meal plan is designed for you to make life feeding your baby/toddler homemade food a little easier. We are not pediatricians, please seek counsel from them on timing, allergies and food sensitivities. These meal plans are simply designed for ease of parents and not necessarily adhere to dietary guidelines. If you are new and not sure how to get started we have a wonderful series starting with 5 easy steps to get you on your way to once a month cooking. Good luck!

Zucchini & Potato Puree






First Foods Summer Menu PDF Documents- MEMBERS ONLY

They will look different than our normal Once A Month Meals meal plans. We have them set to a standard amount to feed one baby/toddler. Reach out to us and we will be happy to send these to you as an added benefit for being a member. They don’t scale properly in our system so we don’t have them in our Menu Builder system, so please reach out to us at info@onceamonthmeals. Let us know you would like the First Foods Summer Meal Plan.


Get Started

Are you new to Once A Month Meals or once a month cooking (oamc) in general? If so, you might want to spend a few minutes (or hours) on the Get Started Series. If you are in a real hurry to catch on we have written some simple steps for getting started. Welcome!

More questions or ready to move on to the next stage?

To see what we’ve covered in the series already and what’s ahead check the links below!