Homemade Crescent Rolls

The Cook
24 Servings
11 Ingredients

I love these rolls because they are so light and sweet but go so well with your holiday feasts. The dough can also be made days ahead of time and stored in the fridge or freezer. And my favorite secret is that it is the perfect dough for cinnamon buns!

24 Servings
11 Ingredients


  • 2 tablespoons Instant Dry Yeast
  • 2 tablespoons Sugar #1
  • 2 cups Water, Hot
  • 1 cup melt Butter #1
  • 1 cup Sugar #2
  • 6 individual beat Egg
  • 4 cups Flour, All-Purpose #1
  • 1 ½ teaspoons Salt
  • 4 ½ cups Flour, All-Purpose #2
  • 2 tablespoons melt Butter #2
  • 1 tablespoon melt Butter #3



  • Labels
  • Baking Sheets
  • Cooking Sprays
  • Parchment Papers

Cooking Instructions

Freeze For Later Cooking Day Directions


These directions help you cook or prepare this meal PRIOR to being frozen for serving later (see Serving Day Directions when you are ready to prepare it to eat).

Why would I want to freeze this?

  1. Mix the yeast with sugar #1 and water.
  2. 8591174 Upgrade to a paid membership 82458 to unlock all instructions 89562
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Make From Frozen Serving Day Directions

Easy Assembly/Ready to Eat

These directions help you cook or reheat this meal AFTER it's been frozen for when you are ready to eat it.

  1. Thaw: Countertop
  2. 7015369 Upgrade to a paid membership 85120 to unlock all instructions 39829

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Make It Now Cooking Directions

Oven Cook

These directions are for cooking this recipe to serve immediately and NOT to freeze for later.

  1. Mix the yeast with sugar #1 and water.
  2. Add melted butter #1 (make sure this is cool enough to add or it will kill the yeast).
  3. Add the sugar #2 and beaten eggs; mix well with wire whip or hand mixer.
  4. Add flour #1 and salt and mix again with whip or mixer.
  5. Add flour #2 and mix with wooden spoon until completely mixed together.
  6. It will form a huge ball. Now just cover it over with lid or plastic wrap and let it rise until double in bulk ( about 2 hours depending on temperature of house).
  7. After it rises, it can either be rolled out, or punched down (don’t knead) and placed covered in refrigerator. Dough will be good up to 4 days in refrigerator.
  8. To Roll Out: On a floured surface, divide dough into sections rolling each into a circle leaving dough 1/4 – 1/3 inch thick.
  9. Brush circle with melted butter #2; cut like a pie into pieces.
  10. Roll up, starting from wide end, to point.
  11. Place on greased cookie sheet with point-face-down on pan. I use ungreased parchment paper and love it.
  12. Cover with towel and let rise (2-4 hours depending on whether dough was refrigerated or frozen).
  13. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes (no longer).
  14. Brush with melted butter #3 and enjoy.

Nutrition Facts

Servings Per Recipe
24 Servings
Serving Size
2 rolls
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat
Total Carbohydrates
WW Freestyle


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