Lemon Raspberry Delight

The Cook
6 Servings
9 Ingredients

As fresh raspberries were appearing in our CSA box and in the grocery store, I began trying to come up with a tantalizing summer summer dessert.

6 Servings
9 Ingredients


  • 8 ½ ounces Lemonade Cookies
  • ¼ cups melt Butter
  • 3 ounces Raspberry Gelatin Mix
  • 8 ounces Cream Cheese
  • 4 ounces Whipped Topping #1
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 16 ounces Raspberries
  • 8 ounces Whipped Topping #2
  • 3 ounces Yogurt, Lemon


  • 1 8x8 Baking Pan


  • Labels
  • Cooking Sprays
  • Foils

Cooking Instructions

Freeze For Later Cooking Day Directions


These directions help you cook or prepare this meal PRIOR to being frozen for serving later (see Serving Day Directions when you are ready to prepare it to eat).

Why would I want to freeze this?

  1. In a food processor or blender, grind up Lemonade cookies.
  2. 9520246 Upgrade to a paid membership 42624 to unlock all instructions 32844
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Make From Frozen Serving Day Directions

Easy Assembly/Ready to Eat

These directions help you cook or reheat this meal AFTER it's been frozen for when you are ready to eat it.

  1. Thaw: In fridge
  2. 4626318 Upgrade to a paid membership 36976 to unlock all instructions 10659

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Make It Now Cooking Directions

Oven Cook

These directions are for cooking this recipe to serve immediately and NOT to freeze for later.

  1. In a food processor or blender, grind up Lemonade cookies.
  2. Transfer them into a small bowl and pour in melted butter. Stir with a fork.
  3. Press cookie mixture into the bottom of indicated number of greased baking pans as a crust.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until slightly browned.
  5. Meanwhile, in a large bowl mix gelatin mix and boiling water according to package directions.
  6. Set in refrigerator to begin setting (approximately 45 min – 1 hour).
  7. In a separate bowl cream together cream cheese, whipped topping #1 and sugar.
  8. When crust has cooled spread cream cheese layer over the crust.
  9. When gelatin is partially set, add in the raspberries and then pour it onto the cream cheese layer.
  10. Place it in the refrigerator until completely set, approximately 1-2 hours.
  11. Once gelatin has set, take it out. Stir together whipped topping #2 and lemon yogurt.
  12. Add lemon whipped topping to top of gelatin and spread evenly
  13. Cut and serve.

Nutrition Facts

Servings Per Recipe
6 Servings
Serving Size
4"x2.5" piece
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat
Total Carbohydrates
WW Freestyle


Join the discussion
  1. This does look like a delight! One question…you left out the number of ounces on the yogurt. Also, I’ve never seen lemon yogurt. Is there a particular brand that you used! Thanks for the recipe!And thanks for linking up last week for Friday Favorites! Hope to see you again this week!

  2. Yes, I’d like the number of ounce of yogurt as well. Also, do you prepare the gelatin according to box instructions? The recipe only mentions hot water.

  3. Sounds wonderful, but the recipe is missing a couple things! How much hot water and yogurt? There is also a typo. It says bake the crust for 10-5 minutes. I’m assuming you ment 10-15 minutes? Thanks for putting this one together! Can’t wait to try it!