How do I cancel?

When you are ready to cancel your membership, you can do so easily from your My Account page by proceeding through the cancel links.

If you cancel before your quarter or year membership is over, you will still have access to your membership until your time has expired.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

You can see more about our cancellation and refund policy here.

Returning in the Future:

If you want to return in the future you can make a purchase as you first did. You will simply choose “existing member” and use your established credentials.

How to Cancel

1) Go to your “Settings” under your profile name.

2) Select to “Cancel Membership” under “Help & Support”.

3) Select a reason for canceling.

4) Confirm your membership cancellation and click “Yes, I’d like to cancel my membership”.

More Help:

If you have any trouble along the way, please feel free to chat with one of our customer engagement representatives in the bottom right-hand corner, OR email us at with your full name and email associated with your account.

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