You can create a NEW meal plan from a single recipe.

How to Make a New Meal Plan From A Recipe

    1. Search for a recipe within the main recipe search page.
    2. Click and choose to view the recipe.
    3. Once in the recipe page itself, below the description, you will see a section called “My Meal Plans” with meal plan slots available to you.
    4. To create a new meal plan from that recipe, simply click the teal dotted lined box labeled “+Start a New Meal Plan”. A new screen will appear for you to type in a name for your meal plan, then click the orange arrow to submit it and start your new meal plan.

*You will only see this option if you have an open meal plan slot.

  • You will receive a notification in the upper right-hand of your screen confirming the addition and will re-route you to your new meal plan.