Our shopping list is noted in those measurements because that is how you buy the items at the store.

For example, flour comes in packages of five pounds or 80 ounces, so if you needed 19.22 ounces of flour you could

  1. See what you had on hand at home before you left.
  2. Go to the bulk bins section and weigh out exactly the amount you needed for your cooking day using the scales at the store.
  3. Buy a bag of flour and know that you can store the remaining for another baking session.

If an item doesn’t have a package, but is rather purchased by the piece (such as produce, tortillas, slices of bread, etc.) we will list them this way (3 onions) on the grocery list instead of in their prepared format (2 cups of onions), since most people don’t know off hand the number of cups of onions they will have when they dice 3 of them.

Prep Sheet:

When you move to the next step of your cooking day, the prep sheet, you will see a chart listing each of the ingredients that need to be chopped.

On one side you will see the number of pieces you purchased (i.e. 3 onions), and on the other side you will see the number of Tablespoons, cups, etc. that you should end up with once they are sliced, diced, etc. (i.e. 3 1/2 cups onions, diced).

Recipe Cards:

Finally, on our recipe cards, you will find each ingredient listed by the measured amount needed for each recipe (i.e. 1 cup onions, diced; or 2 Tablespoons olive oil) for easy measuring and assembly.

Want more assistance on how all your meal plan resources work and what to pay attention to?

Download our guide on “Getting Started With Your Meal Plan Resources” to help break each set of instructions down!

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