You don’t have to wait for a NEW YEAR or a NEW MONTH or even a NEW WEEK to get your power back. With OAMM you can take that power back right now and we can show you how!

The one thing we all have in common is that no matter what we do, we can not get more! The one resource that is absolutely finite.

And I think that we would universally agree, it is the one resource that we would all create more of if we could!

Therefore, how we spend it, prioritize and utilize it is completely up to each of us individually.

And whereas, we can’t produce more time for you we CAN assist you in prioritizing and utilizing the time that you DO have to be more effective and to work FOR YOU!

Save 30 Hours Freezer Cooking

Have you ever thought about the time leaks/loss that you experience around every day meals???

Trips to the grocery store, actual meal preparation time and daily clean up are just a few of the ways that we GIVE TIME AWAY to an activity that we HAVE TO doEAT!

Whether you choose to do 30 meals in one cooking day or break your cooking days into smaller groupings of 5-10 meals cooked in 2 or 3 days throughout the month (our members’ favorite approach) you WILL find time savings with OAMM freezer cooking.

Could you use 30 more hours each month?

That is A WHOLE DAY plus some!

How would/could use another day in your life each month?

In the business world we often say, “you have to spend money to make money”, this is often true in our personal lives as well. Yes, in order to really save time freezer meal planning with OAMM you have to spend money on our monthly/quarterly/yearly subscription.

But we are CONFIDENT that we will more than make back your membership cost in money saved or not wasted!





According to the average American ends up throwing out $53.81 worth of food every WEEK! Yes, each week! If you are an average American that means that you are wasting $215.24 a MONTH!

Of the top three reasons Americans waste food OAMM helps resolve the top three!


  • #1 – You are immediately incorporating food into meals that are preserved in your freezer, before it has a chance to spoil.
  • #2 – Your OAMM grocery list tells you EXACTLY the amounts you need to purchase without over purchasing! PLUS a meal plan that has multiple recipes using similar ingredients decreases leftover waste!
  • #3 – Again the grocery list and making the meals immediately and freezing them.






You are going to run into the grocery for those two ingredients you need for tonight’s dinner and some how you walked out of the grocery store with three bags full of goods. What happened?

A recent study indicated that the average person spends $314/month on impulse buys with 30% of those impulse buys coming from food/grocery purchases. That means $94 of impulse dollars come from food/grocery shopping per grocery shopper.

OAMM can’t keep you from impulse buying but we CAN do the following for you:

  • Keep you out of the grocery store as often (because you already have meals ready in your freezer) decreasing the opportunities you have to impulse buy at the grocery store.
  • Equip you with a specific list of the items you need to make your weekly/monthly meals. Stick to the list to avoid impulse purchases.


We ABSOLUTELY support you enjoying yourself and those you love by going out to a meal of your choosing. In fact, we hope you do so!

But, more often than not, we are forced to get take out, eat at a restaurant or purchase pre-made foods out of desperation. We forgot to buy groceries, we don’t feel like making a meal, we are tired, a meeting ran late. . .etc, etc.

These days, it is easy enough to pick up our phone and have a meal delivered to our door in under an hour. The added cost of fees and tipping driving the cost of these quick meals making restaurant desperation a major monetary leak!

Eating out (or ordering in) at restaurants is not only costly to your wallet, it can be costly to your health as well.

When you are OAMM’ing it, you have meals ready and at your fingertips each and every night. No long days at work followed by long nights at the stove.





Do you think of your time as money? Most of us don’t because no one pays us to clean the house, make dinner, watch the kids, etc. But the truth of the matter is, time is money.

Time that you spend in one area is time that you are taking from another area of your life.

When we begin to value our time in the same way that we do money, it can become more clear how much wasted time (doing things we don’t like to do, not being organized, etc) can impact our lives.

Even if you LOVE cooking, I bet there is at least one portion of the process that you don’t love (dishes? grocery shopping?). And I can practically guarantee that there are time leaks happening around meal prep that are keeping you from other things that you love as much as cooking.

In the time section above we focused your attention on all of the time leaks found just around the kitchen and meal prep.

The word power evokes varying emotions and feelings amongst us all.

If you are in possession of it, in one area of your life or another, those emotions are likely positive in nature.

If you often feel powerless in one or more areas of life, that word may evoke a more negative reaction within you.

Let’s face it, the majority of us don’t feel intrinsically powerful in any given moment.

In fact, a good exercise to pause and do now is to ask yourself the question, “who do you view as having power”? What qualities or circumstances contribute to you viewing them as possessing that power?

Unfortunately, most of us view the possession of power through a negative lens because our experience of those in power is commonly from a place of abuse of that power, weilding that power, or feeling under the control of that power. We lack a desire to possess that power ourselves out of a perception that power is often taken or asserted rather than earned.

We’d like to invite you into alternative perspective of power.

What if power wasn’t as much a function of controlling or weilding influence over another but over oneself?

At our core we all possess power. Our feelings of powerless coming more from a place of giving that power away little-by-little that leaves us powerless. Not that we didn’t possess power to begin with.

That harnessing that POWER is more of a function of balancing one’s resources to a place that one doesn’t feel at the mercy of them. That it isn’t CONTROL that gives one power but BALANCE!

Let’s return to our discussion of TIME and MONEY.

If there are two resources the average person wrestles with their feelings of power or powerlessness about, time and money, are likely to come out on top.

As mentioned above, TIME being the one resource we can not replenish nor get more of. Once it is used it is used. And most of us have the experience of feeling like it is scarce and moves too quickly.

Take a few moments to consider an average week. Go through each day day-by-day, noting how you spend your time. (Work, cooking, cleaning, self-care, exercise, childcare, relationships, etc).

Which time allotments do you feel powerless to? Which areas feel out of balance for how you wish to live your life?

Next, let’s talk about MONEY.

When you did the earlier exercise around who you viewed as possessing power, was a main characteristic of that person(s) that they possessed wealth?

It is both common for us to view wealth as a reason to give someone power and a common cause for us to feel powerless. There rarely seems enough money to pay the bills, to make it paycheck-to-paycheck. Then one must contend with inflation and rising costs of basic good like food, gas, shelter.

What would taking back your power or stepping into your power look like when it comes to money? What areas of your life would you prefer to save money so that you could allocate it elsewhere?

Here at OAMM, we can’t help you to call the power back to all areas of your life, but if you listed groceries, eating, cooking or meal planning as an area of your life that is taking more time and/or money than you would like, we CAN help you TAKE BACK YOUR POWER in the kitchen!

OAMM was created to help you OAMM the kitchen with zen.

To even out the time balance of your life that is taken up by grocery shopping, meal planning, meal preparation and kitchen clean up.

We can’t pay your bills for you nor stop inflation but we can help you save at the grocery store, reduce money wasted on food bought but not utilized, reduce money spent on last-minute fast-food runs, and much more.

If you are ready to TAKE BACK YOUR POWER in the kitchen we would be honored to walk alongside and guide you in that journey!


We want to SHOW you how OAMM can make a difference! With a PAID membership, we not only guide you and give you access to our easy to use time and money saving meal planning software BUT we also walk you through how to get started with this way of meal planning if it is new to you!

When you become a PAID OAMM member you begin the journey to identify your meal planning persona and are taken through guiding steps to creating your first custom meal plan for YOUR PERSONA!


Limited Membership $0.00 Sign Up  


Recurring every 3 months $13/month Sign Up $40 paid quarterly
2 Months Free Save $30 a year!


Recurring every 12 months $13/month Sign Up $150 paid annually


Recurring every month $15/month Sign Up $15 paid monthly

Gift Membership to a Friend!

Give the gift of time, and make freezer cooking easier than ever before!

Buy A Gift Card


For those of you still skeptical that OAMM is the right fit for you. . .we GET IT!

No one wants for those hard earned dollars to go to waste!

And we know your trust is earned.

For YOU we have a FREE budget-friendly meal plan that is GUARANTEED to save you TIME and MONEY should you choose to embark on this journey with us as your guide!

[Yes, this is the same meal plan as was shared in the 12 Days of Make-Ahead Meal Plans. If you have already received and downloaded that, follow the path that best describes you but SKIP (or get it again) the step opting into the email.]

Path A

  • NEVER BEEN or are CURRENTLY on the email list AND
  • NOT a free member
  • NOT a paid member

Path B

  • Already a free member
  • NOT a paid member

Path A

  1. Submit Email to Receive the Budget Meal Plan

    a few quick questions, including your email address (below) and we will have the pdf documents sent to your inbox!

  2. Download Budget Meal Plan

    once received, download the Budget Meal Plan Resource Documents so that you can either get on your way cooking or compare to the FREE or PAID membership.

  3. Sign Up for an OAMM Free Membership

    creating a free membership will allow you to see how you could customize (add, delete or replace recipes; adjust serving size etc) this very meal plan that is also available in our memberships.

  4. Access the Budget Meal Plan as a Free Member

    the members access to this Budget-Friendly Meal Plan can now be accessed. Add it to your “My Meal Plans”. Delete or swap recipes. Take special note of our “budget-friendly” and “5-ingredients-or-less” tags under categories for additional cost-saving meals!

  5. Put us to the TEST!

    using your free downloaded resources, shop, prepare and freeze the meals. Take note of the time you are spending, money you are spending, etc. Are you finding time and money savings? (Please note that your time savings will increase as you get more familiar with the process and get into a rhythm.)


    whether you tried us out or you already KNOW we are going to be the solution you have been looking for we hope that you JOIN US IN PAID MEMBERSHIP to make OAMM’ing your kitchen a routine from here forward!

Path B

  1. Submit Email to Receive the Budget Meal Plan

    as a free member you are already on our email list – YAY! Filling out the opt-in will get this email sent to you ASAP. If you have previously unsubscribed you will need to go here (Resubscribe) before completing the opt in below.

  2. Download Budget Meal Plan

    once received, download the Budget Meal Plan Resource Documents so that you can either get on your way cooking or compare to the FREE or PAID membership.

  3. Access the Budget Meal Plan as a Free Member

    the members access to this Budget-Friendly Meal Plan can now be accessed. Add it to your “My Meal Plans”. Delete or swap recipes. Take special note of our “budget-friendly” and “5-ingredients-or-less” tags under categories for additional cost-saving meals!

  4. Put us to the TEST!

    using your free downloaded resources, shop, prepare and freeze the meals. Take note of the time you are spending, money you are spending, etc. Are you finding time and money savings? (Please note that your time savings will increase as you get more familiar with the process and get into a rhythm.)


    whether you tried us out or you already KNOW we are going to be the solution you have been looking for we hope that you JOIN US IN PAID MEMBERSHIP to make OAMM’ing your kitchen a routine from here forward!

Additional Resources

Paleo on a Budget

Keep Your Resolutions - Try Freezer Cooking!