
Meet Stephanie

Meet OAMM Staff member, Stephanie! She is going to be giving us a peek into her kitchen next weekend during our Virtual Freezer Cooking Weekend (January 15-17, 2016), but we wanted to let you get acquainted.

How long have you been once a month cooking?

I have been once a month cooking off and on for 8 years. As a newlywed and young mother I felt a great responsibility to provide healthy meals for my family while still sticking to a strict budget. That search led me to a dear friend who was not only a couponing queen, but shared her secrets of saving time in the kitchen by freezer cooking. I had never heard the term before, but decided to jump in…especially if someone else was doing the planning, making the shopping list and providing instructions for me!

What circumstance pushed you to give once a month cooking a try?

I was a stay-at-home mom of a 1 year old and pregnant with our second child. To make ends meet, I also had a part-time job working 4 nights a week. Needless to say, I was exhausted, burnt out and feeling like dinners were always rushed. At that point I was desperate to try anything that would allow me to serve my growing family a healthy dinner that didn’t include Hamburger Helper and still be able to make it to work on time.

How has choosing to OAMC benefited you and your family?

Our family has grown to include me, my husband and our three children ranging from 9 to 4. Tastes have changed as well from a traditional menu to more of a real foods focus. I love that OAMM has so many resources available! With Pro I am able to watch the amount of carbs and sugar my family consumes and build menus that are well-rounded with leafy greens and lots of protein for their growing minds and bodies.

What is your favorite OAMM recipe resource?

Most days we have a lot of strings tugging on our family. During the school year we have been heavily involved in activities such as math club, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and various sports. This past year I also received my yoga instructor certification and have been teaching classes. My husband is a leader with our sons Cub Scouts troop. Even with all of these commitments, it is still a family priority that we have dinner together every night! With that being said, my favorite OAMM recipe resource with Pro is having the ability to fully customize my menu to include dinner recipes that are all Easy Assembly. That means most of the recipes can be packaged and frozen until needed. I can thaw the meal we want the night before serving day, and then put it in the slow cooker the day of. This gives me back that precious time to focus on helping the kids with their homework or to just sit down and breathe in the delicious smell of dinner cooking for my family.

Give us a brief introduction to your kitchen.

We just recently moved in November.  I am still learning the new kitchen, but already I’m so thankful to have more counter space and several outlets, so I don’t have to keep swapping out the food processor for the blender or the crockpot. Everything has it’s own little space. I haven’t yet invested in any special appliances to help cut down on time in the kitchen, but I love to surround myself with things that bring me joy. I always take out the old measuring spoons and cups that I found at an antique store a few years ago. Sometimes it is the tried and true products that bring out the best in your food.

What is the number one tip that you would give to a first timer?

Freezer cooking is a labor of love, but it is so worth it! As a first timer I wish someone would have told me to ease into it. I jumped in head first and ended up crying around midnight that there were still recipes to get to. Start with a Mini Menu first. That way you can see what the process is like, you get to experience what a cooking day would entail and still end up with several meals to show for your hard work. Also, stick with what you know your family will enjoy! If you want to add in different flavors, maybe start with changing just one or two recipes at a time.

How is OAMC hard? How does it make your life easy?

Sometimes the hardest part for me is carving out the necessary time to plan my cooking day. It is always a good idea to do your shopping the night before and then devote several hours to the prep and assembly. My husband is a great supporter and helps with occupying the kids or getting them to help with dishes while I make the meals. I know that in the end the hard work pays off.

Stephanie’s Favorite Recipes for Custom Menus

Pro Members can log in to view the freezable recipes in Menu Builder and add them to your own custom menu