You are a
“Keep it Simple Specialist”!

You are ready to move forward and start your journey to Stage 4: The “Dump and Stir Enthusiast!”


You are at Stage 3!

Your FREE Freezer Cooking Success Guide!

What is included:

  1. Your Freezer Cooking Personality Action Plan
  2. How to Freezer Cook With Once A Month Meals
  3. Your Freezer Meal Plan Checklist

You’re Ready to Move onto Your Next Goal!

Become a
“Dump and Stir Enthusiast”

“I love freezer cooking a small selection of recipes for about 2 weeks using only dump and go ingredients, and easy to assemble directions. Fast and furious is always my motto!”

Your Next Goals: 

Complete Two “Dump & Go” Mini Meal Plans:

  1. One Once a Month Meals made “Dump and Go” Mini Meal Plan
    • This is a Once A Month Meals meal plan made up of 5 “Dump and Go” recipes that will double to make 10 freezer meals. These meals require little to no cooking. Simply dump in a bag and freeze!
  2. One Custom “Dump and Go” Mini Meal Plan that I created of my own!
    • This is a meal plan you get to customize that is made up of 5 “Dump and Go” recipes that will double to make 10 freezer meals. These meals also require little to no cooking. Simply dump in a bag and freeze!

Your Next Action Items!

1. Pick a “Dump and Go” Mini Meal Plan!

2. Create Your Own “Dump and Go” Mini Meal Plan!

3. Favorite the Recipes You Like!

If AFTER trying each meal, you or your family like it, head on over and favorite that recipe so you remember later.

4. Share Your Experience!

Share (experience, cooking day, pictures, etc) with us on Instagram or Tiktok! (#oamm, #onceamonthmeals)

**If you have completed the above actions then you are ready to move on… don’t try to skip ahead without completing this stage! 

I have completed these actions and milestones!

start STAGE 4

Terms to Remember

  • Mini Meal Plan = 5 recipes doubled 10 meals
  • Dump and Go” Mini Meal Plan = a meal plan made of only dump and go recipes, aka meals that require little to no cooking. Simply dump in a bag and freeze!
  • Once A Month Meals Made = we made it for you! We are always strategic to use similar ingredients, cooking types, and more in these curated meal plans.
  • Custom = you made it yourself!

Help! I Have Questions!

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    Start a chat with us in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen! (Yes, that little orange icon!)