
Transform Your Freezer Cooking with an Instant Pot

Welcome back to our Instant Pot Series! Just to recap – when we say Instant Pot, we are really talking about a programmable pressure cooker. In this post, we are sharing all of the ways that you can transform your freezer cooking with an Instant Pot.

But be sure to check out all of the other great info in this series!

4 Ways to Transform Your Freezer Cooking with an Instant Pot

All of those Instant Pot benefits are great, but we are freezer cooks around here. So why take the extra step to add the Instant Pot to our freezer cooking process? Like most appliances, it is helpful, but not absolutely necessary to freezer cooking. You can certainly still freezer cook in a bare essentials kitchen. But Instant Pot freezer cooking might be for you if…

1. Bring some adventure to your kitchen.

For weeks after purchasing her Instant Pot, OAMM staffer, Mindy, was ducking and covering every time she cooked with it. She has since determined that this fear is unwarranted, even after she got sprayed by one of her soups. Seriously, these appliances are safe, but they still might give you the thrill you are looking for in the kitchen.

2. Say goodbye to the weird consistency/texture of slow cooker meals.

Have you have ever been disappointed by a slow cooker meal that looked and smelled amazing, but when you bit into it it was all grainy or the vegetables were mushy? Because the Instant Pot cooks meals more quickly and all of the moisture is kept inside by the seal, the texture of your meals will not be affected like it sometimes is in the slow cooker.

Just a disclaimer, we all still love our slow cookers, but some dishes taste better slow-cooked than others. The Instant Pot is a great equalizer!

3. Don’t worry about defrosting meals!

Say what?

Yes! the Instant Pot lets you break one of the cardinal rules of freezer cooking. And let’s face it. Real life happens. Sometimes it is 5:30, and dinner is still a frozen brick. Maybe you haven’t yet discovered the post with all of our tips and resources for meal planning from the freezer or maybe you just forgot. But with the Instant Pot, you can cook freezer meals from frozen and still cook it in less time than the original recipe! This post from Hip Pressure Cooking has some great tips for cooking frozen meat.

4. Save TONS of time on serving day. 

Some of you are seriously busy. You wear a lot of hats, and even with freezer meals, you don’t always have time to wait for a meal to bake or slow cook. If you don’t know this already, increased pressure means that you can cook at higher temperatures, which means that you can cook meals in a fraction of the time!

Here are some recipe examples:

Juicy Roast Chicken

Normal cooking time for this whole chicken is 1 1/2 hours in the oven or 6-8 hours in the slow cooker.

Instant Pot cooking time is 30 minutes!

Instant Pot Potato Soup

Normal cooking time is 6 hours in the slow cooker.

Instant Pot cooking time is 20 minutes from FROZEN!

Instant Pot resources:



Additional Instant Pot resources:

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Great news: we have Instant Pot friendly recipes and meal plans!

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