Welcome to Once A Month Meals!

August 2013 Update


Yes, you are still in the same great once a month cooking (freezer cooking) website, just with a new name! Well, and some great new features coming soon!

I know you are all anxious to see things like metric and mix-and-match, but as we have mentioned before we must approach each change with purpose and gradually. In the pursuit of our upcoming changes we felt we were LONG overdue for rebranding this site.

I began this website over four years ago to help families who wanted to cook all their meals in one day for the month, be able to do so in a timely and efficient manner. And it very much defined ME – a MOM who cooks once a month. What I wasn’t thinking of then was that this would become the AMAZING and diverse group of freezer cooks that it is today.  This community isn’t just moms; it is dads, college students, young married couples, singles, grandparents, dual-earning families and so many more.

The truth is that it isn’t WHO we are about but WHAT we are about. And what we are about is FREEZER COOKING; or more specifically cooking once a month!

Welcome to our new home! We promise more changes are to come, but for now, take a look around, explore the new space and feel free to tell us WHO you are and WHY you love this space. And if you aren’t already a member, we encourage you to learn more about that as NOW is the right time to become a member – the perks for existing members when we start adding those cool new features are worth their weight in gold.


Join the discussion
  1. We’re DINKS (dual income, no kids) with a very lose schedule which results in poor meal planning. Since joining OAMM earlier this year, we’ve really enjoyed the flexibility that this style of cooking offers. We are much more likely to come directly home after work, pop food in the oven or out of the crockpot, do a little gardening, strolling, etc, and still eat much healthier and far less expensively.It took us three months to really get a good variety in the rotation, and that first food bill was a shock, until we looked at just 1 week of eating out and realized that it was really, really, really better. Yowza!

    1. Oh this is GREAT to hear! I am certain you are not alone in the “not a mom” category. We are so excited to hear your story.

  2. Woot!!! As a newlywed grad student who is not yet a mom, I love love love the change! That was very thoughtful of you all to include us non-moms in the name!I’ve been recommending your site to the members of my research group. They always ask me, “What’s for lunch today!” when I come into the office. So far, I have convinced three of my peers to start trying freezer meals. They are way healthier (and cheaper!) than going to the school’s food court. I keep a couple meals in the grad student’s freezer in case I have a late night in the lab. I love breaking the stereotype of the grad student who lives on Ramen noodles!

  3. I’m a SAHM to a precious toddler who is severely allergic to all dairy and eggs. I’m a wife of 11 years. I LOVE your website and recipes. I often browse your site and look through all of your recipes (not just the DF ones- thanks for that, by the way!) and see how I can adapt the recipes to fit our needs. I also blog about life with food allergies and link back to your website to your recipes. I have to share the OAMM love!We have enjoyed many of your recipes! Keep up the great work!

  4. I am a single professional with a day job, a night job, a volunteer job, and more activities than I can count. My schedule is crazy busy and over the past 2 years, I’ve come to absolutely rely on freezer cooking and your website. I have an extensive inventory and demand/supply system and I’ve created my own mix and match process using the recipes you provide. Some people think I’m crazy for spending one weekend every 5-6 weeks dealing with shopping, prep, and cooking, but to not have to worry about it at all for the rest of the time makes it SO worth it!!

    1. I couldn’t agree more! They can think you are crazy each night while they are trying to figure out what/when they are going to make for dinner.

  5. I discovered OAMM just over 2 years ago while trying to stock my freezer for after my son’s birth. I haven’t left since. In that time I sing the site’s praises and try to get everyone I know to join. I have tried other “meal plan” sites and I have never been as satisfied with the recipe selections as I am here. As a family we have started to make a shift toward a more GF diet, and I love the GFDF menu (although I actually use the full dairy). I have even done a a short Paleo stint. I love love love that you offer yummy, easy, and nutritious options for breakfast & lunch. Just about every recipe gets the approval from 3 of our family of 4 (one is an extremely picky preschooler, so her vote doesn’t really count). I also really enjoy the themed mini menus too!

    1. Marisa, thank you for taking the time to share that with us. Thank you so much for your loyalty. It is MUCH appreciated!

  6. I can’t wait to use the “swap out” tool. I love doing freezer meals but always find a few meals in the menu I just know i’m not going to like. So I have always just put my own plan together, but this new tool has brought me back! I can’t wait to see it! I love all the membership perks and all the work done for me. Great job on the new site!

  7. Hi Im so happy that you we are going to be able to swap recipes. We are a dinner kind of family, with leftovers for lunch. So I tried to cook 20 dinners a month.
    I love to have a couple of vegetarian meals twice a week, use some whole meals as diet recipes to make a more healthy balance monthly menu. I also like to have at least once a week a slow cook recipe, to make things a little bit easier. So I am very excited about the changes. I think now I will be able to use this great website more often.

    1. Hi Chloe, as soon as we have a firm date we will be letting everyone know. As things can go with technology, we would hate to promise a certain date and then not be able to fulfill that promise. It will be soon though! 🙂

  8. I am normally not an impatient person but the waiting is killing me! =)Even if you can’t give us a date, could you feed us a little more info and/or maybe screenshots? Are you categorizing the recipes a little differently? Are we able to mark certain recipes as favorites? Can we get full screenshots of the shopping lists or recipe cards (we know they are subject to change)? I’ve seen the screenshots on the membership page and all of your previously posted material. Giving us some teasers every couple of weeks or so would be lovely if you could manage it!

    1. Hi Laurie, yes the waiting is killing us too!!! And while we LOVE our loyal readers like you who know things can be subject to change, we hate to promise something and not be able to deliver on it. I can tell you everything you’ve mentioned is on the list but some of the new changes will be rolling out slowly. That way we can make sure the overall system is working as it should before we add more and more upgrades to it. Hang with us- only a little bit longer to wait. 🙂

  9. So excited for these changes!! Thank you for sharing with us what is going to happen. I recommend OAMM to everyone! It seems a lot people are interested in freezer cooking but don’t know where to start or feel overwhelmed at the prospect. It has been a life-changer/lifesaver in our household so I tell everyone I can about it. It’s great to have a resource to send people to when they want to give it a try. Thanks for listening to your followers and making these changes. I already love what I see and cannot wait to see what it will be like once everything has rolled out!!

    1. Thank you so much for your support Angela- we wouldn’t be here without readers like you. There are more exciting changes coming soon so keep an eye out! 🙂

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