From the Freezer Trenches

September Cooking Stories

On September 19, 2009 by Tricia

Did you do a September OAMC or Once A Month Mom cooking day? If so, feel free to tell us all about it, share pictures, or make suggestions. Can’t wait to hear them.

Freezer Cooking for Others

Gift Week: Mini September Cooking Session for Others

On September 18, 2009 by Tricia

Since I am not able to do the full September menu I chose a few of the September menu items, a few of us shopped for the goods and on the night of our scheduled meeting we all took turns cooking and watching the kids. Here is a little bit about our evening and what we made.

The Power of Gifting Food

On September 15, 2009 by Tricia

This week is Gift Week around here so today we have Elizabeth Norton talking about how meals “gift” others lives and helps a family in need.

Gluten/Dairy Free September Meal Plan

On September 11, 2009 by Erin Fullam

**We now have allergen friendly menus and ability to search Menu Builder for recipes to help you!** I have been so fortunate to have innovative and creative readers who also have the challenge in their homes of making their meals…

My Cooking Story: August OAMM Meal Plan

On August 24, 2009 by Tricia

We just completed the August OAMM (OAMC) menu with GREAT success! We ended up making these meals for $2.53 an entree for a family of 4! This is a great money saving menu. Come see how we did and how you can to!

August Cooking Stories

On August 24, 2009 by Tricia

We love when you, the readers, share your cooking stories. With the summer coming to a close I am finding that many of you are planning on doing the August menu. So there should be plenty of stories to share. Come on over and link up after you cook.

My July cooking story. . .

On August 3, 2009 by Tricia

After a several month hiatus from cooking the menus myself, I got back in the saddle. Come see how Amy in OHio and I did cooking up a “mini” version of the July menu. Complete with a OAMM vlogging debute.

May menu: Hints and other tales

On May 29, 2009 by Tricia

The recap from May that I know you have all been waiting for. Sorry, it has been a busy month for many.

full freezer

Less than perfect cooking once a month

On May 7, 2009 by Tricia

If you aren’t quite ready for Once A Month Mom style cooking perhaps you could get a start doing a few things to help make dinner time easier at your house. Guest blogger Mary talks about how she has gotten her toes wet with bulk cooking.

OAMM cooking

April Once A Month Mom Cooking Stories

On April 23, 2009 by Tricia

Did you do an April Once A Month Mom menu and cooking day? If so, we would love to hear about it. Also, bookmark this page and stop back often for the latest updates from readers completing their April cooking.

April Cooking Recap – TONS of food!

On April 23, 2009 by Tricia

I can hardly believe that Cortney and I did another cooking day. Except now I have an overflowing freezer to prove it so there is no denying. Here is a recap of what we found to work, an not work so well on this month’s menu.

March Cooking Day – Recap

On March 26, 2009 by Tricia

Cortney and I completed our March Once A Month Cooking BIG DAY and lived to tell about it. Find out what we did and how you can save time and money by learning from us!

Diary of a Cooking Day

On February 28, 2009 by Tricia

Many people ask about the worth or value behind cooking 8 hours one day to have a month’s worth of meals. And I would say that it is totally worth it but it isn’t for the faint of heart! I documented the typical stages one goes through during a long day of cooking.

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