Kitchen Tips

OAMC Trick: Browning Ground Beef

On August 31, 2009 by Kelly

I don’t know about you, but I really struggle with all of the browning of ground meat on our cooking days. It just seems like it takes two gigantic skillets to cook most of the meat and even then it ends up all over the stove. I have often wondered if there is a better way. Well, I think I might have found one!

Flash Freezing - Pro Tip

Flash Freezing

On July 15, 2009 by Kelly

Every now and again I throw the terms “flash freezing” around. I often get questions about how exactly you “flash freeze” items.

OAMC with Only a Refrigerator Freezer

On April 29, 2009 by Kelly

If you don’t own a stand-alone freezer you have probably asked yourself if this Once A Month Meals stuff can be done with just a refrigerator freezer. I have been doubtful but MJ proved me wrong this last month. Here is a great recap from a woman who made it happen!

Is Bulk Really Better?

On April 27, 2009 by Kelly

Have you ever wondered if the deal you are getting on that giant box of macaroni and cheese is a good deal? A reader answers the question today of whether buying in bulk will really save you money.

Zesting an Orange!

On March 25, 2009 by Kelly

Did you see Orange Zest in the Whole Wheat Orange Spice Muffins and wonder what to do? We have some answers for you!

Food Processors & OAMC: Part 1 – Types of Food Processors

On March 17, 2009 by Kelly

I realize that I often take some knowledge, such as what items work in a food processor, for granted. In light of that I thought I would do a series of posts this week on using your food processor for OAM cooking. Today we will start with – “Are all food processors alike?”

Shopping For The FINAL Day Before Your OAM Cooking BIG DAY!

On February 22, 2009 by Kelly

I have so much information in my head about how to make your Once A Month Cooking BIG DAY run smoothly, that I hardly think I have enough time in the next week to get it all out! But here is my attempt to share with you some good approaches to your final grocery shopping days leading up to your Once A Month Cooking BIG DAY.

Can You Refreeze Frozen Veggies and Fruits?

On February 4, 2009 by Kelly

I asked this exact question when I first started making my own baby food. After all, sometimes it is just easier to buy frozen (and cheaper). I did a little digging several months ago and found this info.

But I Don’t Have a Big Kitchen!

On February 1, 2009 by Kelly

Having a small kitchen shouldn’t discourage you. Just a little bit of planning beforehand can help you use your small space as efficient as possible.

Some Useful Conversions

On February 1, 2009 by Kelly

Here are some quick conversions to help you as you go about making your own baby food at home.