August Cooking Stories

We love when you, the readers, share your cooking stories. With the summer coming to a close, I am finding that many of you are planning on doing the August menu. So there should be plenty of stories to share. If you are new, welcome. If you cooked and you blogged this month please leave a link to your story on your site so that others can read about it. If don’t have a blog, please leave a few comments below telling us how it went for you. Can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories.


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  1. tyring to find a recipe for chocolate cake made with baby spinach leaves and blueberries that i saw on here last month. if anyone could help,i’d really appreciate it. thank you

  2. I was wondering if anyone had any comments after making the chili cheese potato casserole. It sounds really good, but I have never had success with freezing potatoes – they taste fine but they get mealy after thawing. I’m wondering how they come out when made in this casserole.TIA!

    1. It sounded weird to me too. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t the best ever either. I haven’t figured out what it needed more of. It would be great sliced and served with a salad.

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