Gluten/Dairy Free September Meal Plan

**We now have allergen friendly menus and ability to search Menu Builder for recipes to help you!**

I have been so fortunate to have innovative and creative readers who also have the challenge in their homes of making their meals fit with allergies. I am amazed at the amount of time and energy that these families need to put into thinking through meals and what their children are eating. I wish I had time (and knowledge) to make these adaptations to our menus each month, but alas, there are only so many hours in a day!

However, that is where I have been blessed! This summer, Tara, a reader who needed to make allergy adjustments adapted the June and July menus for her family and then shared with the rest of you. Now, we have Angela of Angela’s Kitchen who has decided to assist in providing an adaptation for Gluten/Dairy Free menus, at least for the month of September (hint, hint: you should leave her some comment love and encourage her to do it regularly) :).

Angela has started out this week providing you with the gluten/dairy free adaptations of the September menu. Later next week (and I will make sure that I let you know when) she will also be posting the adaptions for the dinner menu items as well. Angela also hosts a Gluten Freezer Friday that you should check out if you are looking for some new recipes to try or you create recipes that you want to share with others.

So, if you have been wanting to do the Once A Month Meals menu but are struggling with some of these same issues, struggle no more! There is a solution for you.

Thank you to Tara and to Angela for all of their hard work!


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  1. This was a lot of fun! I will get the dinners up this Friday for Gluten Free-zer Friday. I am loving the nifty excel type sheets you have put things on. Very slick. I hope I can figure out how to do that sometime as I am not the tech savvy girl…Thanks for letting me do alterations on you plan and posting it. I hope it can be used by others.

  2. Brandy – we need to talk – we have the same 4 and peanut. Angelz! Thank you so much! We don’t have gluten, but the dairy adaptations are the hardest for me. I had fun doing it too, but am a teacher and can’t do it in September!

  3. Had to cancel my last cooking for a month plan, due to going gluten and dairy free. Just too hard to find freezer recipes that are gluten/dairy free. Heard about the website tonight and am so happy to see that someone has modified recipes. Yeah!!! Thanks.

  4. Thank you Angela, We have been dealing with food allergies for the last three years. Your meal ideas are inspiring and creative. Us moms need all the inspiration and creativity we can get!!!

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