September Cooking Stories

Did you do a September OAMC or Once A Month Mom cooking day? If so, feel free to tell us all about it, share pictures, or make suggestions. Either leave information in the comments section below, or if you posted about it on your website, link to it below. Can’t wait to hear your stories!


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  1. So far, I’ve made the Baked Ziti (with added meat and bell peppers), Ultimate Beef Stroganoff (cut salt in half), Freezer Beef Stew (cut salt in half, next time will half the brown sugar, too), Eggwiches, the April Menu’s Maple Honey Mustard Pork Chops, and the Pear Pancakes. (I cook by myself, so it’s one meal cooked per night, whole recipe, 3 parts for freezer, 1 part for our dinner) Everything except the pancakes was delicious and turned out great!!! The pancakes were a wreck!! They wouldn’t cook through, tore, were just a general mess. I finally stewed the rest of the pears (great!!) and tossed the pancake batter (I decided I didn’t like the taste of it). I’m still planning on making the apple muffins, corn dog muffins, broccoli stuffed chicken, chicken chili casserole, and mexican cornbread casserole. I have a feeling I will end up liking all of those. 🙂

  2. Hi, just wanted to let you know that I love your website and I’ve done the baked ziti only because we are moving to other state next week so we have been using up the food in the pantry and we had the stuff to make the baked ziti. They were so good. When we move, I look forward to do it in October. Thank you again for doing this! I just found your website and it was a God-send to us because I’m bad about menu planning. Thank you!

  3. I cooked the entire September menu yesterday ALONE. I did half everything with the exception of a couple of meals that I thought we would really like. End result: my house smells delicious. I am still exhausted 24 hrs later, but I have a month or more of food in the freezer. SUCCESS!!Re: the silver dollar pear pancakes. I had a little better luck than Krista (although I had to improvise a little)and thought I would share. First, even halfing the recipe, I had ALOT of extra batter. I ended up making many many extras using apples instead of pears, simply b/c I had plenty of apples on hand. I also ended up making several small batches of plain pancakes to freeze. My pancakes turned out great except for a couple (which my teenage son ate and gave 2 thumbs up…said they were awesome!) I had a batch cooking on my electric skillet and on the stove with flat skillet pan. For some reason, I had a harder time with those on the electric skillet and ended up turning it off and sticking with my pan as I was getting more consistent results. Mine did cook through and they looked so good and delicous! I wish I would have taken a picture!! Maybe next month!

  4. So far everthing we have cooked has been wonderful. . …the only trouble we have had is with the deconstructed broccoli/cheese chicken…we had to cook it in the oven way longer than the time on the instructions. Don’t know if i just had huge chicken breast or what but they chicken just wouldn’t get done. But it was a hit once it was cooked

  5. Lisa: we had to cook the chickenn/broc longer, too!MtPleasant/Krista: we definitely had TONS of pancakes, too. We ended up chopping the pears up and adding them to the batter. And as far as re-heating goes it would be much easier if you DID make them silver dollar size. The bigger ones take forever to reheat!

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