We’re Getting Ready to Get Our Cook-Off

We are drawing near the last few days of February. It is so hard to believe this celebration month is coming to a close. As you know, I  have partnered with Amy from Amy’s Finer Things for this adventure and she and her cooking partner are getting ready for their upcoming cooking day. They have altered the menu a little to meet their families needs, which is likely something you might have to do yourself. Amy's Finer Things Banner ImageThis will be Amy’s first time with doing a Once A Month Mom cooking day so those of you with experience should head over and give her any advice that you have for her. And those of you that are new can follow along with her on Monday, March 1st when she cooks her little heart out. It is always good to have some fresh set of eyes sharing with those of you who are reluctant and unsure if you can do this.

As for me, I am on my way to getting my February 2010 menu under way as well. In fact, I will actually be cooking all day tomorrow (2/26). I have done all of the grocery shopping. I will report back next week to tell you how much we spent and how many meals that made. I will spend this evening chopping the items listed in the instructions and getting my supplies ready. And a new first is happening this month. I am cooking in someone else’s kitchen! I have never done a once a month cooking day in someone else’s domain. We will see what I think. Personally, I think I am going to like it because I am cooking with my aunt and her kitchen is equal to about 3 of mine. I hope to tweet as the day progresses and to capture some great vlogs as we go. I will be reporting back next Thursday to tell you how the day went and to give you the linky for entering the Once A Month Mom Cook-Off. You have until March 8th to cook all or part of the February 2010 menu so there is still time. This is the month to get started! And don’t forget to stop by the right side bar to vote for the upcoming March Once A Month Mom menu. The 3 finalists are (in no preferential order):

  • Menu A – Julie
  • Menu B – Michelle
  • Menu C – Kisti

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