Freeze It Forward – Holiday Edition


Imagine what we could accomplish if we all Freeze it Forward and share just one meal this holiday season.

We have all experienced difficulty at one time or another. Perhaps we are even walking through a trial right now. But our attitude can help us make meaning out of our very darkest days. Earlier this year we challenged you to Freeze it Forward by sharing a freezer meal with someone. Essentially it was a challenge to be grateful for our full freezers and make a plan to share out of our abundance.

There aren’t any specific dates for our challenge. There isn’t a prize or a winner. We simply want to create a space where we can encourage each other to voice our gratitude for what we have and to encourage each other in simple giving.

Freeze it Forward | Once A Month Meals | Freezer Cooking | Freezer Meals | OAMC | Season of Giving | Pay It Forward

Resources for Sharing

Let’s recap some of the posts we shared earlier this year which will walk you through who to share with, what to share, and how to share it.

Once a Month Meals makes giving easy.

First off, all of your recipes are always doubled, yielding two meals. You can always keep one and share one when you cook a menu.

Second, you can easily customize serving sizes to share with a big family or to create single serving meals – whichever serves your purpose better. Single servings are particularly helpful for those who are ill or who live alone. In the above resources list, we suggest easy to gift meals and menus designed specifically for giving, but here are a few additional resources you may want to check out.


We realize the holidays are not the only time to give, but the season is particularly difficult for those battling illness, dealing with loss, or struggling with finances. We want it to be a time of joy, special memories, and treats for those we love. It is truly difficult when you are in such a low place during a season that you want to be enjoying.

So while we encourage you to give year-round (and we hear many testimonies of our members doing this!) we want to encourage you to be particularly mindful of those around you who may have a need in the next few months. Was one of your resolutions for 2014 to give more? Finish strong! Maybe you have already started considered making giving a resolution for 2015? Get started early! There is absolutely no reason to wait until January 1st.

Freeze it Forward | Once A Month Meals | Freezer Cooking | Freezer Meals | OAMC | Season of Giving | Pay It Forward

Share Some More

As you Freeze it Forward, we ask you to encourage others to give by sharing what you have done via social media. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Google+. Don’t forget the hashtag #freezeitforward so that we can find it easily. Of course, you do not need to share names as privacy may be a concern, but just post a picture of the meals you have cooked to share or simply tell us what you are grateful for and how you plan to give out of that bounty. Be proud that you’re helping others!

Freeze it Forward | Once A Month Meals | Freezer Cooking | Freezer Meals | OAMC | Season of Giving | Pay It Forward


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