Meal Plan Monday-Cortney-March 23

This week is actually kind of fun to plan…since I don’t have to do anything except eat at other people’s homes, pop in some freezer meals and go out of town.  Going to the Sweet 16 in Indy to root on the Wildcats of Arizona (for those of you who know me, know I am a Michigan fan. But since my team lost yesterday, I will root for my hubby’s and hey, it gets me a weekend away with him!) So here it is in all of it’s glory, ha ha:

  • Monday – Dinner at my parents
  • Tuesday- Dinner at my in-laws
  • Wednesday- Freezer Chicken Enchiladas, spanish rice and steamed carrots
  • Thursday- Freezer Chicken Macaroni Bake, steamed peas
  • Friday-Saturday – In Indy eating food that tastes good but not good for me-mmmmmm! So there you have it. I am actually kind of ashamed for posting this week since I am only home 2 nights, but that is reality sometimes. Also, I can’t pass up a chance to take a trip! Enjoy the week!

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