Meal Plan Monday – Gluten Free Dairy Free Edition

Hi, everybody!  It is Angela, the gluten free dairy free menu writer.  I am so excited to be putting my menu plan up this week at Once a Month Mom! In my household everyone brings their own lunch to school, even my non-allergy high school boy.  As this week is a pretty free one for me as far as schedules go, I am taking advantage of the extra time to not only hang out with my kiddos, but to also get some things into the freezer for the upcoming school year.  I don’t usually do so much baking craziness in one week, but I wanted to take advantage of the extra time (and my extra kiddo helpers), and the fact that the heat isn’t so horrific this week.  Whew!

Menu Plan Monday

One thing in my menu that is up in the air are the types of salads and veggies we will be serving during the week.  My garden is really peaking, so anything that becomes ripe is fair game for the table and the canning pot.  It is always exciting to me to discover what I have to work with each day depending what is ripe and ready to go.  I love it! Monday –  Bake gluten free zucchini muffins to freeze for school breakfast time.  Shred and freeze extra zucchini for future muffin love.  Get a batch of kimchi ready to ferment.

  • Lunch – Nut butter on banana bread sandwiches, watermelon, and broccoli
  • Dinner –  Chicken stir fry with garden veggies over quinoa

Tuesday –  Big canning/drying day planned with the kids.

Wednesday –  Beach with the kiddos if the weather is good.

  • Lunch –  Gluten free apple spice waffles with homemade apple syrup (make double batch/freeze extra)
  • Dinner –  BLT wraps with avocado on homemade gluten free wraps, napa cabbage slaw and melon

Thursday –  Make pancake muffins with sausage to freeze.

  • Lunch – Leftovers
  • Dinner – Apple Sausage Quiche with broccoli salad and peaches

Friday –  Make gluten free pizza for dinner and the freezer.  Bake gluten and dairy free pound cake… Why?  Just because!  Family game night:  I am SO going to rock out Monopoly!  Park Place in MINE!

Saturday – Lunch –  Grilled cashew “cheese”sandwiches with salad

Dinner –  Spinach burgers on homemade gluten free buns, salad with poppy seed dressing

Sunday – Lunch –  Leftovers

Dinner –  Sesame Chicken Veggie Salad

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit! For yummy gluten free menu plans, check out the Gluten Free Menu Swap!

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