Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Dairy Free Edition

Wow!  Two weeks into the school year already and all the after school activities are in full swing at my house.  With one child in high school, one in middle school, and one in elementary, that is enough activities to keep this mom hopping.

That is why, especially at this time of year, menu planning is so important to me.  On the weekends I check what is ahead on our calendar and pick meals for each day based on if it is a day to use the slow cooker, plan for a portable on-the-go dinner, or pull a meal from the freezer.  A little planning ahead keeps meal time relaxing for me because I always know the answer to “What’s for dinner?”

Every week I join in with the Gluten Free Menu Swap.  It is a group of gluten free bloggers who link up our menu plans for the week.  There is always great inspiration to be found with this group!

The host for the swap this week is Amanda from Gluten Free Detroit. She has picked sweet potatoes or yams at the theme ingredient.  I plan on making some sweet potato waffles for the freezer this week (using my pumpkin waffle recipe, but replacing the pumpkin with mashed roasted sweet potatoes) for the kids’ breakfasts.

It’s nice to have waffles on hand to toast on busy school mornings.  Sweet potatoes are also something my big kids like to find in their lunch topped with taco filling or curry, and they make an amazing pie.  I use sweet potatoes a lot in curries, in yeasted gluten free bread, and in muffins.

How do you fix sweet potatoes?

Menu Plan Monday

Both my big kids are on the cross country teams at their schools, so this week there are practices and meets to look forward to.  We also have piano lessons, a doctor’s appointment, a school meeting, and a behind the wheel driving lesson.  This week is homecoming at the high school, so I expect plenty of crazy “spirit week” clothing and activities all leading up to the big game and homecoming dance.  Whew!


  • Lunch – GF Pumpkin bread sandwiches with almond butter, pea pods, and mango slices
  • Dinner – Secret Recipe Club meal


  • Lunch – GF Pumpkin bread sandwiches with turkey, broccoli and apple slices
  • Dinner – GF BLT wrap sandwiches with avocado, salad and fruit




  • Lunch – Beef & Butternut Squash Stew, cornbread muffin, mango slices
  • Dinner –  Chicken and veggie curry (with cauliflower, sweet potatoes and green beens) over quinoa and gluten free vanilla pound cake for dessert


  • Lunch – left overs
  • Dinner – Roast chicken, mashed cauliflower and salad


For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!

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