Meal Plan Monday: Gluten Free Dairy Free Edition

I just got back from Nourished Food Blogger Conference and the Gluten & Allergen Free Expo.  I had a GREAT time, but I have to say, after driving home for seven hours, I am one tired mom!  The good news is that I have plenty of good things in my freezer to make for dinner the first couple of days this week while I get back into the swing of things.

Gluten Free Menu Swap Garlic Week

Menu Plan Monday

This week’s Gluten Free Menu Swap is being hosted by Wendy of Celiacs in the House.  She picked garlic as this week’s theme.  Woo-hoo!  Garlic is one of my favorite flavors.  Raw, sautéd, roasted, whatever way you want to serve it.

It is hard to pick just one thing I feature garlic in as there are so many, but the Slow Cooker Garlic Chicken might be the recipe that uses the most garlic of any I make.  It is a take on the 40 Clove Chicken that started showing up on the internet a couple of years ago, but slow cooked.

Don’t worry that 40 cloves will be too much garlic…  the slow cooking and the other flavors in the dish really sweeten and mellow the garlic complementing all the flavors in the dish.


  • Lunch – GF bagel sandwiches, broccoli, orange wedges
  • Dinner – Slow Cooker Garlic Chicken (made with boneless, skinless chicken thighs) and a salad

Gluten Free Dairy Free Pizza Muffins





For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!

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