Meal Plan Monday: July 26, 2010

Are you all excited that by this time next week you will be perusing the August 2010 OAMM Menu! I hope so! There are some exciting things in store for the menu and I have been working really hard to get it all fixed up (without mistakes). It will be out next Sunday, August 1st! And be sure to join Jenny, Kate and I on Thursday night via Facebook as we host the hottest party in Dayton – Ultimate Mom’s Night Out! We will be giving away fun prizes via Facebook if you aren’t able to make the actually party, so make sure you head over to the Ultimate Mom’s Night Event Page and RSVP! See you then!

Menu Plan Monday

This past week was crazy for us. It wasn’t a typical week at all. My husband has a HUGE deadline looming which meant that he was away a lot and I didn’t cook much. I just don’t enjoy cooking that much when there is no one around to enjoy it! Here is what we did eat.

Ham & Potato Pockets

Monday – Mommy worked outside the house and everyone else had frozen pizza Tuesday – Leftovers Wednesday – Dinner with House Church Family Thursday – Lunch – (a friend was over) REVAMP of the Ham & Potato Pockets

Dinner – At grandma’s house but she made a salad, Chicken Parmigiana, noodles and corn on the cob

Friday – Having dinner out at The Greene while I go on a scavenger hunt with my sister, courtesy of Scan Dayton – Thanks Deals for Dayton for the tip!

Chicken Parmigiana

Saturday – Lunch – Hot Dogs, Popcorn and various other junk at the Dayton Dragons Family Day

Dinner – Beef Fajitas, corn on the cob, guacamole, chips

Sunday – Lunch – Grilled Ham and Cheese sandwich, chips

Dinner – Dinner out with the family

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!

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