Meal Plan Monday: The Daycare Edition

In addition to being a stay at home mom of 5 kids and contributing writer for OAMM, I am a daycare provider.  The children in my care range from ages 13 months to 5 years, as well as school age kids after school.

As you can imagine, menu planning and freezer cooking are a MUST to keep my sanity in check and the grocery bill under budget. Along with serving breakfast and lunch to the children in my care, I also serve a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack.


Menu Plan Monday 


  • Toddler Lunch – Taco Mac & Cheese, Corn
  • Daycare Snacks – Cereal Bar Cookies, Cheese Quesadilla
  • Dinner – Grilled Chicken Breast, variety lettuce & kale salad with red onions, tomatoes and cucumber



  • Toddler Lunch – Pizza Spirals, Green Beans, Banannas
  • Daycare Snacks – Monster Toast, Apples Slices with peanut butter
  • Dinner – Grilled Burgers on buns, Lettuce Salad


  • Toddler Lunch – Whole Wheat Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Mandarin Oranges
  • Daycare Snacks – Graham Crackers & Banana, English Muffins with Peanut Butter
  • Dinner – Cheesy Chicken Lasagna, Broccoli


  • Toddler Lunch – Favorite Casserole, Pears
  • Daycare Snacks – Fruit Smoothies, Deviled Eggs
  • Dinner – Homemade Pizza – Homemade crust, ground beef, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese, red onionspecan crusted chicken



  • Lunch – Leftovers
  • Dinner – Popcorn & Apples

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!

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