Meal Plan Monday: October 18, 2010

I fear that I shouldn’t even post this. What a travesty our meals were this week. We are still working on projects around the house to get it ready to put on the market. And you know how house projects go, they always take WAY longer than you anticipate that they will. So sorry for my pathetic week of eating. I promise to get better soon. 🙂

Menu Plan Monday

Monday – Hubby wanted life to be easy on me so the “kids” got me a coming home/leaving present of an Outback gift card so we could have dinner together, in peace, without much labor as a family. Tuesday – out of town Wednesday – out of town Thursday Pasta and veggies FridayChipotle because it was just one of those days Saturday & Sunday – you don’t even want to know – we were working on the house again and thus were not home much at all for meals. Or at least couldn’t find the sink. For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!


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  1. We are in a similar situation. Some of those home projects take many more steps than you expect them to. Others are so quick and easy we wonder why we put them off so long. Hang in there, things will balance out. We’ve been eating a lot of very simple things. Quesadillas, grilled hot dogs, frozen lasagna, and some very lazy side dishes. Excellent motivation and timing to clean out the freezer and pantry.

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