Meal Plan Monday: October 4, 2010

Okay, I haven’t mentioned it before now mostly because it will only prove once and for all that we are out of our minds! However, I can’t write this menu plan without telling you. No worries, I’m not pregnant again! HA! We have decided to try and get our house ready to put on the market. I know, I know not exactly the “best” time of year, economy, etc. I still feel the gentle prompting that it is time. The real problem is that we have taken 6 months of house readying projects and are trying to squeeze them into 1 month. Oh wait. That isn’t all! Did I mention that I was not going to be home (or even in the same state) for 11 of those 31 days. Yep, Blogher Food, a blogging trip (can’t wait to tell you more) and the out-of-state OAMM Tweet-Up. Yes, I am certifiably insane. Which will likely explain (or I hope it does) our crazy schedule and our lack of cooked meals. Perhaps you can send us some bits of encouragement and tricks of the trade. Now on to what we had to eat last week. . . {Don’t forget to check out all of the great Saving Second Base posts this week and throughout the month!}

Menu Plan Monday

[singlepic id=1263 w=320 h=240 float=right] Monday – Omelets, Cinnamon Apple Pull Apart Rolls Tuesday – Chicken Curry Wraps (recipe coming soon) Wednesday – Cookout with church family, I took Baked Beans Thursday – leftovers FridaySaturdaySunday – We ate out. A. LOT. {blush} For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!


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