Meal Plan Monday: September 13, 2010 (CollegeAdvantage Giveaway)

College Advantage

In addition to being Baby Safety Month, September is also National College Saving Month. My kids aren’t even out of diapers yet, why in the world would I be interested in National College Saving Month?

Have you seen the price of a college education these days. I can’t even imagine where it is going to be in 18 years. Lets just say, I choose to not imagine what it is going to be like in 18 years. My heart stops otherwise. Which also means that we need to start saving now for our the future of our children.

CollegeAdvantage is a 529 plan offered through the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority. This means that save for college gives you a tax-advantage savings plan. The great part about this plans is that YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIVE IN OHIO to participate! (Yes, that part confused me too.) I suppose this is just another great example of all the amazing offerings Ohio has for everyone.

There is much more to this program and so many benefits, grandma and grandpa can even contribute to the plans. I like that. I know it encouraged me to start to think of ways that we can start putting away money now. Both for the tax advantage but more importantly for the future of our children. And Ohio is so cool that CollegeAdvantage is giving away a $100 scholarship to one lucky reader (and you must enter to win). Remember, you don’t have to live in Ohio! Wouldn’t it be great to get a jump start on your saving for the future of your children?

CONTEST CLOSED And the Winner is . . .Jenn –Β  We have a savings account that we put all birthday/holiday money that grandparents send in the mail, as well as whatever we can set aside each month.

Here is how you can enter to win:

1. Leave a Comment telling me if you have started saving for college for your children. Why or why not?

Additional ways to enter:

2. Tweet or Facebook this contest – use @onceamonthmom & #ohio529 in your post. And don’t forget to leave a comment below stating you have done so. 3. Like the CollegeAdvantage Fan Page. Leave a comment below that you have done so or if you are already. 4. Become a Fan of Once A Month Mom Fan Page. Leave a comment below that you have done so or if you are already. 5. Subscribe to the Once A Month Mom blog via RSS or email. Let me know that you have done so. Of course, if you are already subscriber make sure you leave that too.

This giveaway ends Friday, September 17th at 5:00 pm (EST).

Menu Plan Monday

I apologize that virtually the only links in this MPM post are to restaurants. It was a rough weekend in our household following a birthday week. What can I say? We’ll do better next week!

Veggie Pizza

Monday – Cider Stew (recipe coming soon), salad, bread Tuesday – Italian Sausage Risotto (recipe coming soon), salad Wednesday – Dinner with House Church Family. Thursday – Dinner at Outback for Hubby’s Birthday. Hubby wasn’t feeling well this weekend so I was on my own, we definitely ate out more than usual so we didn’t have tons of kitchen clean-up, etc. Friday – Dinner at Wendy’s and then headed to the park Saturday – Lunch – Tacos, tortilla chips

Dinner – Dinner out at Olive Garden

Sunday – Lunch – leftovers

Dinner – Baptism for family member – I took Veggie Pizza

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!


Join the discussion
  1. We have a savings account that we put all birthday/holiday money that grandparents send in the mail, as well as whatever we can set aside each month.

  2. We have a college savings plan for our daughter…and so glad we do! I’m a fan of yours on facebook and I follow you in Google Reader. Love your stuff!!!

  3. Just started one kid in college this year! We have 4 others to get there. It’s a long process, we don’thave any real “plan” yet. Hoping to start something for the younger ones. It can add up quickly!!

  4. We have started saving for my 2 daughters. We have it automatically drawn every month- and it does add up. It’s the only way on earth that i’d be able to save even a portion of what we are going to owe. ugh

  5. We have started saving (a little each month) in an ING savings account for each child. It is only a small drop in the bucket of what their college will cost, if they decide to go. This is especially so if they choose a private college like their parents did. (And we’re still paying for it, too!)

  6. We save each month into a 529 for our daughter. We don’t see ourselves being able to foot the entire college bill, but we’d like to give her a good start towards paying for school.

  7. So we want to know WHAT you ate at Olive Garden!! What did you eat at Outback?! That’s how we get to live THROUGH you! I never go to nummy restaurants like that!I haven’t saved enough to go grocery shopping this week let alone college!! Thanks!

  8. We have started a savings plan for both our girls. I’m pretty sure it is through OH Tuition Trust, though we live in KY. My husband did the research…we did it because it will help our girls in the future (and us too)!

  9. I’m in my 5th semester of college and I (nor my family) saved a college fund for me. I have to pay my way through college with loans because my family can not afford to simply write a check for my inflated tutition.

  10. My husband and I have a 3 year old, and for his first christmas my parents opened a college fund for him, but my husband and I have yet to add to that.

  11. No kids here yet, but I can tell you that my hubby and I are in college right now.My parents did the Florida Prepaid College plan for me, and it has saved them a lot of money. Maybe they have something similar in other states? It doesn’t cover all of my tuition, but it covers most of it.My husband’s parents didn’t put ANY money at all towards his college. Thank goodness his grades are good enough for scholarships. For now, at least, most of his tuition is covered by various scholarships and financial aid. I wouldn’t mind that his parents didn’t save anything for his college, except that they have a history of that sort of thing. For example, he needed braces as a kid (still does, but insurance won’t cover a penny since he is not a kid), and when they got an unexpected profit they decided to buy a new TV instead of get him braces. :/

  12. We signed up with CollegeAdvantage a few years ago when my kids were 3 and 5. Every little bit helps, and putting away a little bit of money every month now will pay off when the kids are ready for college.

  13. That veggie pizza looks amazing!!We have started saving a little, but our son is only 14 months, and we aren’t even out of college yet! So we will probably start saving more as he gets older.My husband’s parents didn’t give him a penny towards college. It’s definitely made our lives really difficult and meant that he’s had to work 50 hours a week AND go to school. Not fun!

  14. I’m a OAMM fan on FB and follow you via blogger! Thanks for the info, we’re looking to start a 529 for DS, who’s just a wee 4 mo:)

  15. I have a 4 yr old and 1 yr old. We started saving last yr. We put money into each of the savings accounts waiting for enough to open a 529 plan…

  16. So embarrassed to say we haven’t directly started saving yet! My daughter is only 18 months old though so I am planning on starting soon! πŸ™‚ This would be a great jumpstart!

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