Meal Plan Monday: September 7

This is definitely a short week for me to plan meals. We are headed out of town, together, without the little one this weekend so no menu planning for me over the weekend! WOOT! Don’t get me wrong I like cooking and menu plans but it is also nice to be able to take a break. And you did hear me mention that my husband and I are getting away together. I am so excited.

Menu Plan Monday

  • Monday – Lemon Chicken with Veggies (August Menu), mixed fruit, garlic bread
  • Tuesday – Play date with friends so I am making up a double batch of Carole’s Chili and Baked Chicken Burgers (enough for me to have some for the freezer too)
  • Wednesday – House Church, dinner with friends
  • Thursday -Date Night or Separate Girls/Guys Night since we have out-of town friends in
  • Friday – Sunday – Out of Town – Chicago here we come! We have a weekend of celebrating hubby’s birthday complete with U2: 360 Tour tickets.

Let the fun times begin! For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!

  1. U2 – how jealous am I????? Have a great birthday trip. I hope you will consider joining me at Diningwithdebbie.blogspot for Crock Pot Wedenesday. It’s easy and economical:) Just post a favorite slow cooker recipe with Mister Linky, and you are all set to share with others. I will look forward to hosting you.

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