Meal Plan Monday – Vegetarian Edition

Hello everyone, it’s Kristi – OAMM’s Vegetarian and Vegan Menu Writer. This week I’ll be sharing my menu plan with you. With the continued popularity of Meatless Monday, even non-vegetarians can use this menu as inspiration for meatless meals. In our house, I’m the only vegetarian. My husband is an omnivore and the kids are still undecided (we don’t push them either way…they eat meat sometimes when we go out for food). So, planning meals in the past was a bit hectic. At one point, I was making up to three versions of each meal: one for me without meat, one for my husband with meat and one that the baby/toddler could eat. It was insane, to say the least. We had A LOT of family-style taco dinners. Now that the kids are both old enough to eat nearly anything we do, I decided to make a change. I challenged myself to convert a meatless meal from a family favorite recipe each day this year over at Veggie Converter. While creating a new meal every day is difficult, life has been so much better now that we’re all eating the same thing!

Menu Plan Monday

Tomato Bhindi

Between the garden and the CSA box, we have an awesome amount of fresh vegetables right now. And my menu plan reflects that. Monday While I can’t tell you (yet) what the secret recipe is, I can tell you I was able to use fresh cherry tomatoes from our CSA box. The kids also love to eat those tomatoes as snacks. Seriously, they gobble them up like grapes. It’s amazing.

Tuesday We’ll be having our OAMM freezer meal for dinner Tuesday night. I’m so thankful for all the dinners I prepped last month, as we’re still in vacation recovery mode. You can see this new recipe on OAMM today. And I was able to use fresh tomatoes and okra from our garden and CSA box to make it extra delicious.

Wednesday Fresh zucchini makes this baked meal something special.

Zucchini Boats

Thursday Here’s where I create something from whatever is leftover in my fridge or pantry for the week. It’s always a surprise. I’m thinking about making black bean and tomatillo corn muffins.

  • Leftovers and Pantry·Frankenstein Creation.·

Friday I absolutely love Pam’s kid-friendly traditional menu recipes. I plan to make homemade pitas and will probably use some veggie pepperoni (either zucchini pepperoni or packaged…depending on how much cooking I’m feeling like doing that day).

Saturday Meatloaf is always a challenge to convert into vegetarian, but I’ve had a couple of big successes with it, so I’m going to try these innovative meatloaf cups.

Sunday Another deliciously easy OAMM freezer meal for a lazy Sunday. Fresh peppers and mushrooms make this an excellent summertime treat.

For more great Menu Plan Monday menu planning ideas visit!

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